right boy, wrong girl

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Anne Shirley-Cuthbert was never late. That was something everyone knew about her. She would be the first person to arrive and normally was the last person to leave.

So when she was late to an after school journalism event, some began to worry.

Anne was rushing in her room. She was trying on just about every single piece of clothing in her closet and nothing seemed to be quite right. Diana Barry was sitting on her bed, trying to be supportive, but she was getting tired.

Anne was on her seventh outfit of the day and was just getting more and more frustrated as time went on. Today was the first day of the journalism club and she was going to make a good first impression to Professor Stacy. Diana didn't really know why Anne cared so much because she already knew everyone in the club, but she dared not to say anything about that.

"Anne, you look beautiful," Diana says, her eyes barely lifting from her phone screen. "Seriously, I think this is the one."

Anne stares at herself in her mirror, seeing how her body curves and how the material of the clothing feels against her skin. She was wearing a floor length pale green skirt and a white cropped sweater. Her long auburn hair was flowing down her shoulders, a slight curl to it. It wasn't her favorite thing in the world, but it would have to do.

"Diana, what time is it?" Anne asks, slipping on a pair of white flats.

"One forty seven," Diana replies, laying down on her bed. She obviously didn't realize what panic she had just bestowed in Anne.

"I'm late!" Anne exclaims, her eyes widening.

She clumsy stumbled over the mess of clothes on her floor to grab her backpack. So many thoughts were running through her mind.

What if they kick me out of the club?

Oh, that's ridiculous, I'm the best writer here.

They won't care if you're late...

"Bye, Diana! I'll clean up after the meeting!" Anne yells, rushing out the door.

She seems to fly down the stairs and down the hallway to reach the classroom that the meeting was being held at. Her flats did not help her go any faster, they almost seemed to slow her down.

She arrived at the classroom, seeing that the door was closed. She peered through the glass square and saw that the students were simply talking to Professor Stacy. This calmed Anne's nerves a little bit.

Anne opens the door and steps inside, closing it behind her. Everyone's head spins toward Anne, waiting to see what she did next.

"I am so sorry," Anne bursts out, her eyes scanning the classroom.

Professor Stacy was leaning against her desk, a soft smile on her face. Josie Pye, Ruby Gillis, Charlie Sloane, Cole Mackenzie, Winifred Rose, Ruby Gillis, Marley Wood, and Gilbert Blythe were sitting in front of Stacy, pens in their hands. Everyone had stopped what they were doing and simply staring at the girl with the red hair.

"Anne, I knew that you should be here," Stacy says, gesturing for her to take a seat at an open desk. "It's okay, we were only introducing ourselves."

Anne slips into a chair next to Winifred Rose, her head down. She normally loves to have the attention and spotlight on her, but not right now, in a negative way.

"You really didn't miss much," Winifred whispers, a slight accent making its appearance in her voice. She slides Anne a piece of paper that has some writing on it. Anne notices that Winifred writes in cursive, how romantic.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2021 ⏰

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