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Her life was falling apart and there was absolutely nothing she could do. She could be dying and she would not know until it was too late.

At least Anne had become her best friend again.


"When can you leave the infirmary?" Gilbert Blythe asks, sitting back in the old wooden chair. His hands were folded in front of him and he was looking very serious and worried. His eyebrows were furrowed and his shoulders were hunched over.

"Good question," Diana says, rolling her eyes. It had been two days and she was starting to become very bored. Anne visited her when she could but it was not often because of school. Gilbert was by her side often, always making sure everything was alright. Jane was by occasionally by more often than not she was in their room drinking. Josie had been by a couple of times, always accompanied by sweet treats. Ruby had not visited once and it broke Diana's heart. Ruby was her first love and the fact that she had not even visited her made her upset.

"Has anyone told you anything?" Gilbert asks, unfolding his hands. He tried his hardest to not stress Diana out but they both knew it never worked. She loved him a lot but he was always focusing on facts and terms while Diana just wanted to talk about other things.

"No," Diana says, thinking. "Well actually, they told me I don't have cancer."

Gilbert glances up at Diana, his eyebrows furrowing even more. "Well that's good," he says, taking a small breath of relief.

"Can we not talk about this?" Diana asks politely, a small smile on her face. She just wanted to know everything that had been going on while she was laying here, fading away.

"Of course," Gilbert says, smiling back at Diana. "What would you like to talk about?" he asks, taking on a much more relaxed posture. His hands were in his pockets and he was leaning against the backing of the chair.

"You and Anne of course," Diana giggles, her eyes lightening up. She knew something must have happened with them! "What's going on in the realm of 'Shirbert'?"

"'Shirbert'?" Gilbert asks, raising an eyebrow. "You gave us a name?"

"Why of course I did. I've been laying here for almost seventy two hours," Diana groans, staring up at the dreadfully boring maroon ceilings. Everything here was maroon or wooden and it made Diana sick.

"Well, things have been good," Gilbert starts, a grin on his face. "I really like her Diana. She's wonderful, everything I could have asked for and more."

Diana focuses on Gilbert, the way his eyes lit up as he began talking about her. She knew he loved his redhead.

The problem was, so did Diana.


Fall was turning into winter and Diana had never been happier. She was still in the infirmary, it had been a week since she was admitted, but she was supposed to be released soon.

"Diana Barry!" Anne Shirley cries, stumbling into the infirmary. Her red braids were longer than ever and Diana swore Anne had gotten more freckles. Her uniform was slightly ruffled but neither of them cared.

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