it's unfair

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"No," Ruby says, shaking her head. "You're doing it wrong."

Diana, Ruby, and Anne were all sitting in the dining hall and Ruby was helping Diana with her math homework.

"Well can you help me?" Diana asks, her tone annoyed.

"Not with that attitude," Ruby says sternly, standing up and walking over to Josie's table, slamming herself down. Josie smiles at her and then glares in Diana and Anne's direction.

Diana's head slumps in her hands, her breath hitching.

"I would try to help you but I'm awful at math," Anne says, rubbing Diana's back.

"Jane Andrews to the rescue," a voice is heard from above as the girl from a couple nights ago walks over, a big smile on her face. "I can help, I'm extremely good at math."

"God bless," Diana says, shoving her homework over to Jane. Jane examines it curiously, tracing the work Diana did.

"You just said eight multiplied by four is thirty not thirty two. That's what threw everything off," Jane says, gently handing the work back to Diana.

"Thank you so much Jane," Diana breathes, quickly fixing the problem. "Ruby is so impatient."

"No problem," Jane grins, leaning over close to the two girls. "I heard Ruby is seeing someone. I feel awfully bad for that person."

Diana stays completely still while Anne tilts her head, staring at Ruby. "Really?" Anne asks, curiosity getting the best of her. "Who?"

"No clue," Jane shrugs, starting to stand up. "Bye Diana, bye Anne."

Diana turns to Anne and starts to giggle, "I feel bad for that person too."


"I'm so tired," Anne complains as she slips into her seat in her Chemistry class.

"Me too," Billy Andrews says, rolling his eyes. "This class is a pathetic joke."

"I know right," Anne mutters, pulling out her notebook and phone.


"I know who you are," Anne says, stopping him before he can continue. "Don't even try to be friendly towards me. I already dislike you."

"What could I have possibly done? I don't know who you are!" Billy says, his tone sounding confused.

"Anne Shirley," Anne says and his eyes widen.

"Oh," he says, nodding his head. "Gil's girl."

Anne slams her phone down onto her desk, furious. "I am not Gilbert's girl! I don't belong to anyone!"

"Why are you always with him then?" Billy asks, a smirk appearing on his face.

"We're working on a project together," Anne says, crossing her arms in front of her.

"Yeah, okay," Billy laughs, turning around to talk to one of his friends.

Anne taps him on the shoulder and when he turns around, she slaps him across the face. His eyes bulge and he presses his hands to his face.

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