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Anne needed to talk to someone who was not Diana Barry or Gilbert Blythe, but knew the both of them pretty well.


"Thanks for helping me out with this guys," Anne says, sitting on Kenna Brookes' bed, staring at her and Jerry Baynard.

"What's up?" Kenna asks, sitting cross legged on the floor, leaning her head on Jerry's shoulder. Jerry just looks up at Anne, raising his eyebrows.

"I had my first kiss," Anne admits, getting a yell of joy from Kenna. "And my second."

"Who?" Jerry asks, gently shoving Kenna off of him. "Gilbert?"

"Well," Anne starts, unsure of how to go about this. "He was one of them."

"You did not kiss Charlie," Kenna says, narrowing her eyes at Anne. "Because if you did Anne, I swear to-"

"No!" Anne shouts, quieting both of them. "It was Diana."

Kenna and Jerry stay quiet, both trying to figure out what the say. Anne stares at them impatiently, needing one of them to say something.

"Well, do you like both of them?" Jerry asks, leaning against Ruby's bedpost.

"I think so," Anne sighs, her head in her hands. "I have no idea. Kissing them both felt really nice."

"Well obviously you like both genders," Kenna says, fidgeting with the silver ring on her finger.

"Yeah, I guess so," Anne admits, tears welling up in her eyes. What if Marilla and Matthew hated her when she told them she also liked girls? What if she was disowned?

"Anne," Kenna says softly, jumping up. She hugs her tightly, rubbing her back. "It's okay. Everything will be okay, I promise."

Jerry nods his head, not moving from his place by the bedpost. "Anne, we all still love you," he says, glancing up at her.

"Thank you," Anne sniffles, wiping her nose on her sleeve. "I just don't know who to choose. I love them both very much."

"Okay obviously I'm team Gilbert, he's my roommate and my best friend," Jerry says, nodding his head. "You don't know how many nights he's kept me up asking 'I wonder what Anne's favorite color is?', 'I wonder what Anne's favorite book is?', 'What do you think Anne's doing right now?'. He's head over heels in love."

"I'm team Diana," Kenna buts in, brushing a stray hair behind her ear. "I see the way Diana looks at you Anne. It's full of love and happiness. You two are also so close and already best friends, there's nowhere to go but up."

Anne falls backwards, letting out a huge sigh. "Thank you guys for making this ten times easier," she groans, closing her eyes.

"Anne," Jerry starts, his voice uneven. "I don't think this will help your decision at all, but you were Gil's first kiss."

This fact makes Anne shoot up and stare at Jerry. "I was most definitely not his first kiss. Have you seen Gilbert Blythe? He's one of the most handsomest people I have ever seen and you're sitting here telling me that I, Anne Shirley, was his first kiss? Yeah right," she says, unbelieving that she was his first kiss. When they kissed, he seemed to know what he was doing whereas Anne had no clue what was going on.

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