lover's spat

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Anne Shirley stumbled out of the closet, trying her hardest not to break into a million pieces. Her hair flew everywhere and her eyes darted around the empty hallway as she looked for a way to escape.

"Anne! You can't just leave," Gilbert said as he stuck out his hand to the frazzled redhead. She didn't take his hand immediately, there was a bit of reluctance in the grasp shared between them.

"I can too," Anne mumbled as she backed up to try to perform some sort of majestic escape route.

"Ouch!" Diana cried as Anne had stepped on her foot in her attempt of escaping. "Anne, just stay put."

Anne was now caught in between the two people she loved most in the world, and she couldn't leave to save her life.

"What were you guys doing in there?" Gilbert asked and his tone got angrier by the word. Of course, he had a reason to be angry. Anne had, in a way, cheated on him with Diana.

"Talking," Diana peeped out, her gaze unmoving from the floor. Anne cocked her head to side as she side eyed Gilbert. Diana wasn't lying in any way, but the way she said it made it sound extremely fishy.

"You know, it's funny," Gilbert started, plastering a fake smile on his face as he stared at both of the girls. "I don't believe that."

"Gilbert, you ought to! It's the truth! It honestly is, I wouldn't lie to you," Anne pleaded as her eyes burned into Gilbert's.

"Am I sure you wouldn't though?" Gilbert asked. His eyes darted away from Anne's and he took a step backward.

"Yes!" Anne tried one last time to get him to believe Diana. "I promise."

"Your promises don't mean anything anymore, Anne," Gilbert said as he took off. He walked away from both of the girls and not one did he glance back at either one of them.

"Anne..." Diana started as she reached to console her best friend.

"Don't," Anne mumbled. She didn't glance back at Diana as she ran after Gilbert. She wanted to make things right, even if it meant hurting someone in the process.

"Gilbert!" Anne called as everything stopped. The two had reached the common dwelling of most students. Gilbert was on the first step of the staircase, though Anne didn't know where he planned on going. His hand was tightly wound against the railing. His whole body turned to face Anne and he just stared blankly back at her. "Let me explain."

"Go," Gilbert said; there was absolutely no emotion in his voice.

"Here? In front of everyone?" Anne asked as she took a look around. There were about fifteen students that were sat on various couches and chairs. Most of them had paused to watch this commotion happen.

"Yeah," Gilbert sighed. He leaned against the railing and released his gripping. "I just want to be able to hold you accountable of everything you say."

"Do you seriously not trust me?" Anne asked, an eyebrow being raised.

"No, Anne, I don't," Gilbert said causally. He rolled his eyes as he took a step down from the staircase and came closer to Anne.

"You take one more step towards me and I swear," Anne threatened. She took a step backwards and wanted nothing more than to just run away from him.

Gilbert stopped immediately and rose his hands in defense of himself. "Just, talk," he mumbled.

"Fine," Anne spat as she took a deep breath. "Diana and I almost had a moment. Almost. It didn't happen. I stopped it. I stopped it because I know that you are the one I want. You are the one that is always there for me. Diana has Ruby, we all have someone, and I almost messed that up. You don't understand how hard this is to say out loud but I think it needs to be said. Gil, I love you and only you."

Gilbert's eyes grew to about four times the size of his normal ones. His mouth parted slightly as he slowly walked towards Anne. He reached the nervous redhead and he gently hugged her, wrapping his arms around her shoulders.

"What?" Anne quietly asked, disbelieving of whatever just happened. Gilbert didn't respond, he just hugged her tighter. "Gilbert..."

"You want honesty?" Gilbert questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"I always do," Anne said as she nodded her head.

"I'm trying this new lifestyle. It's called 'Don't get mad at Anne'," Gilbert couldn't keep his face straight as the words left his mouth.

"I feel so awful about this!" Anne shouted, her hands flying everywhere. "And you just drop it like it's nothing!"

"Would you like me to mad at you?" Gilbert asked, cocking his head to the side.

"No," Anne admitted, her head hanging low. She didn't want Gilbert to be mad at her, but the way that he was just dismissing this was incredibly strange.

"Then we're okay?" he asked, his eyes scanning Anne's face.

"We're okay," Anne agreed, nodding her head.

an: heyooooo, it's been awhile! i literally don't have anything else to say except that the next chapter is in gilbert's pov (:

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