everything's different

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"Oh my, she is beautiful," Anne Shirley mumbles to herself as Ruby Gillis is introducing her roommate. Her name is Tillie Boulter and she had just transferred from another private school. Anne couldn't stop staring at her perfect chocolate curls that cascaded down her shoulders. A smile seemed to be the permanent facial expression Tillie wore and Anne didn't mind that, it was nice to have another positive person around her.

"Yeah, I just didn't agree with how my last school was run. Boys could never be in the same room as girls? How am I supposed to find a husband?" Tillie jokes, her laughter filling up the room in the best way possible.

"We're glad to have you here," Diana Barry says, nodding her head to Tillie's story. "I think Anne here is happy to no longer be the new girl."

Anne's cheeks flush a bright red as she is called out by her best friend. "Oh my, Diana, don't be telling lies!" she exclaims, nudging the shorter girl in the ribs. Diana flinches, grabbing her side in pain. It's barely noticeable, but Anne makes a mental note of it. Normally, that wouldn't hurt Diana, why is it now?

"I'll happily take your spot as the new girl," Tillie chuckles, lightly touching Anne's shoulder. "Maybe it'll get the attention of the boys. Now, someone give me the run down on which boys I can talk to."

"Well," Ruby starts, but looks at Diana and Anne to continue. Diana passes the look to Anne, so she shrugs and begins to speak.

"Well, I'm dating Gilbert Blythe, he's the boy with the very curly brown hair. He looks smart," Anne pauses to smile as she admires her boyfriend. "Elliot Elling and Jerry Baynerd are dating, so even if you did talk to them, it wouldn't work. Though you are so beautiful that you might turn one of them." Tillie shakes her head, her eyes twinkling.

"Billy Andrews is an asshole, don't even bother with him," Ruby chimes in, rolling her eyes. "He's the blond."

"There's only one blond boy?" Tillie asks, confused.

"Avonlea Academy likes brunettes," Diana jokes, gently tugging at her own hair. "And lovely redheads."

"Excuse me!" Ruby huffs, kicking her girlfriends. Diana winces, rubbing her leg in the area in which it was kicked. "I'm her girlfriend."

Tillie smiles at the two of them, nodding her head in understanding. Anne senses the awkwardness traveling back into the room and she knew she had to do something to fix it.

"Do you want to go meet two other girls?" Anne asks, starting to lead Tillie out of the room. She wanted to leave Diana and Ruby by themselves to figure out whatever just happened. "They're lovely, most of the time."

"I'd love to!" Tillie cheers, wrapping her arm in between Anne's. "Lead me!"


Arriving to the room next to Anne's, she knocks on the door, waiting rather impatiently. "Josie! Jane!" Anne yells, knocking rather loudly on the door in front of her.

Jane Andrews comes to the door, cracking it open. "Why, hello Anne," she smiles, moving aside to let the two girls through. Anne stares at her in shock, her eyes fixed on the dirty blonde. "I know, I'm sober. Shocker, right? I decided to stop drinking."

"Decided?" Anne asks, pushing the topic even further. It was hard to just suddenly stop, especially when Jane was as far as she was.

"Okay, okay," Jane chuckles, taking a seat on her bed. "More like forced. Billy found out and threatened to tell our parents. I don't want my reputation ruined even more by them, so, here I am. It's been really hard, but I feel better."

"I'm very proud of you," Anne acknowledges, turning towards Tillie. "This is Tillie Boulter, she's new."

"Hi ladies," Tillie responds to her cue, waving at Jane and Josie, who's tucked in the corner of her bed, just staring.

"Hi Tillie," Jane says, a wide smile across her face. "It's going to be nice to have another girl here."

"Why thank you," Tillie says, taking a seat in Jane's desk chair.

While Tillie and Jane start a conversation, Anne's attention goes to Josie, who hasn't said a word or even acknowledged the two girls' presence.

"Josie?" Anne asks, placing one hand on her bed. When Josie doesn't respond, Anne takes a seat down on the bed, her concern growing every moment. "Josie?"

Josie's eyes move to Anne's, showing recognition. She tries to smile, but it's overruled by the ever present frown that Josie has been wearing. "Hey," she whispers, her hand finding Anne's.

"What's wrong?" Anne inquires, moving closer to Josie. When she doesn't answer, Anne leans back against the wall, Josie's hand in her lap. "It's okay, you don't have to tell me, but I'm here for you."


"Were Jane and Josie nice?" Diana questions as soon as the two are back in the privacy of their own room. Anne flys to her bed, her back hitting the comforter immediately.

"Jane's sober," Anne bursts out, surprising Diana entirely. "And Josie's...."

"Josie's what?"

"Different," is all Anne can manage to get out. "She didn't saying anything. She sat in the corner of her bed the whole time."

"That's strange," Diana confirms, nodding her head. "Very unlike Josie, she's normally very talkative. She always has something to say."

"I know right," Anne agrees, shaking her head. "Everything seems to be so off this semester. I hope it gets better."

"Me too," Diana admits, laying down on her bed as well.

The two girls stare off into space, a pleasant silence between them.


"New students," Gilbert Blythe mentions, nudging Anne Shirley as four students walk past them. Anne immediately recognizes Tillie and she waves, receiving a wave back. "I met Cole Mackenzie earlier."

Anne follows his stare and it lands on a very tall blond boy that has a very slim figure. Anne is fascinated by him so her stare lasts until Gilbert whacks her. "I'm your boyfriend!" he exclaims, worry spreading across his face.

"Oh Gil," Anne coos, a grin spreading across her face. "Never in a million years."

"Besides, I don't think he swings that way," she adds, falling into Gilbert's arms and watching the new students walk down a hallway for their orientation.

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