falling in and out of love

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Anne's head hangs low as makes her way to the dining hall. Her heart was full of guilt but Diana was right, nothing had happened. Their lips never touched so did she have to tell Gilbert?

Anne knew the answer.


Breakfast went insanely quickly because all Anne wanted to do was jump out of her seat and run as far away as possible from Gilbert. She knew had messed up once again and she knew that she had to tell him that something almost happened with Diana.

Nothing happened. She did not kiss Diana and Diana did not kiss her. Nothing happened.

Did she really have to tell Gilbert and break his heart again?


"Anne! I've been looking everywhere for you!" Diana Barry's cheerful voice sang as she ran up next to her redheaded best friend. "How are you-"

"Diana, please," Anne muttered, not making eye contact with the raven haired beauty that was standing next to her. "I don't think we should be talking right now."

"Why?" Diana wondered aloud, trying to gain the attention of the red rose that she calls her best friend.

"I don't know if I should tell Gilbert about last night or not," Anne replied, trying very hard to keep her gaze away from Diana.

"You do realize," Diana sneered, her tone turning serious, "Us not speaking is going to let everyone know something is up, right?"

Anne came to a complete stop, her arms crossed in front of her chest. She finally looked at the girl in front of her and her eyes immediately softened. She could not be mad at her best friend for long

"You're right," Anne sighed as she started to walk again. She just wanted to go to her room and do her homework in peace, but that obviously was not going to happen. "I guess we go tell Gilbert and see what happens."

"We?" Diana scoffed as she shook her head. "Anne, he's your boyfriend, not mine. I'm never going to have a boyfriend, just letting you know if you forgot."

Anne's cheeks were as red as her hair when she heard Diana speak. "No Diana, I did not forget," she whispered, her eyes meeting Diana's.

"Anne, does anybody really need to know?" Diana questioned, taking a step closer to Anne. Her hand went to Anne's wrist and she tugged the girl closer to her. "Nothing happened."

"Emotional cheating is still cheating," Anne spat as she tore her arm away from Diana. "We have feelings for each other and don't you dare try to deny it Diana Barry!"

Diana's head went down and she remained silent, her breathing heavy.

"Diana?" Anne nagged, inviting the other girl to speak and give her input on the situation.

"Fine!" Diana yelled, throwing her hands in the air. She opens her mouth to continue to speak, but Anne throws her hand over Diana's mouth.

"Don't you dare say another word until we are somewhere private," Anne warned, dragging Diana into a nearby closet.

Anne slowly brings her hand down from Diana's mouth. The two make brief eye contact, but the redhead looks away first.

"Can I go now?" Diana taunted, rolling her eyes.

All she got was a nod in response.

"I feel like this is the fourth time I've done this. Anne, yes, of course I have feelings for you. It's impossible not to. You are the most special girl in this school and I cannot believe you chose me to be your best friend. The day you entered my life, everything changed. I knew I was going to fall in love with you-"


Diana Barry glanced up, meeting the gaze of a wide-eyed Anne Shirley. "What?" Diana asked hesitantly, an eyebrow being raised.

"You said that you are in love with me," Anne stammered, slowly backing away from Diana. Her face was turning paler than usual and she felt very weak. She could barely figure out how to make her legs work to move towards a corner of the closet. Her forehead was getting warm. Thoughts were swarming through her mind, but she could make out none of them.

"No!" Diana cries, backing away from Anne.

The two girls were on opposite sides of the closet and neither one of them knew what to do next. Anne could barely regain her balance while Diana was trying not to talk a mile a minute.

Slowly, the awkward silence turned into a peaceful silence while each girl turned to her own thoughts.

Abruptly, the closet door was flung open by a distressed looking Gilbert Blythe.

"What the hell are you two doing in here!"

an; hi!! so sorry it's been literal eternities since i last updated. everything has been so hectic and i haven't had time to write anything decent. i really hope you guys enjoy this chapter and hopefully they'll be another one soon!!! also thank you all for 10k on this story?!? that's insane!!!
kieleigh louise

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