losing her

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Gilbert slams the door shut and drops into his chair, his emotions running wild. All he could think about was his Anne with Diana and it angered him by the second.

He pulled out a black notebook from the bottom of his desk drawer and flipped the next blank page and started writing. Whenever he feeling down or upset he would write in a journal and it usually made him feel better.

Not this time.


"Gil, they're serving brownies in the cafeteria!" Jerry says excitedly, walking into their room. When he sees the state of Gilbert, he closes his mouth. "What's wrong bud?"

"I screwed everything up," Gilbert mumbles, his head in his hands. His chest hurt and his breathing was uneven and rapid.

Jerry dragged his chair over and sat dow across from Gilbert. "With Anne?" he asks and Gilbert nods his head, not removing his head from his hands. "You couldn't have messed up that bad."

"I told her to stop calling me 'Gil' and basically told her her feelings. She said she might like Diana and I lost it. I don't want Anne with anyone else," Gilbert says as Jerry removes his head from his hands. "I lost her today."

Jerry sits quietly, just staring at his helpless best friend. There was absolutely nothing he could do to make Gilbert feel better.

"You didn't lose her," Jerry says, crossing his arms across his chest. "People get into fights, it happens all the time."

"Jerry, I literally told her to stop calling me Gil," Gilbert says, running his hands through his hair. "Strangers and acquaintances call me Gilbert. What if Anne turns into a stranger?"

"I know you," Jerry starts, starting to stand up. "You won't let that happen Gilbert Blythe."

With that, Jerry exits the room, leaving a heartbroken Gilbert all by himself.

Once the door is closed, Gilbert kicks the desk, trying to get the negative energy out of his body. "You are so stupid," he says repeatedly, staring at the white wall in front of him.


Gilbert lays on top of his bed, thoughts swirling around him. He had been mindlessly scrolling through his phone, trying to find something to make him feel better. Nothing was working.

All of sudden tears start running down his face. He sits up and tries to close his eyes to prevent the tears from coming, but it did not work.

The door opens and Jerry slides in, immediately rushing over to Gilbert's aid. He sits down on the bed next to him, looking gently at him.

Gilbert manages to stop crying for a little while. Jerry and he were just talking about school, trying to distract from the fact that Gilbert had broken down for the first time since he had come to Avonlea Academy.


That night was a sleepless night for Gilbert. After Jerry had gone to bed and was sound asleep, tears found their way down Gilbert's face again. He sobbed quietly into his pillow, hoping no one would hear him.

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