avonlea academy

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Anne Shirley's long, thin braids fly in the wind as she sticks her head out of the car window to catch a breath of fresh air. She has now been in car for three hours with no stops and she is starting to become quite bored.

"Marilla, when are we arriving at Avonlea Academy?" Anne asks, her grayish green eyes focusing on the older women in the seat in front of her.

"Five minutes Anne. Now, stop talking, Matthew needs quiet," Marilla scolds, but a playful smile on her face says differently.

Anne folds her hands in her lap, staring intently at the mint green nail polish that is slowly starting to chip away. She scowls at her left pinky for being the most chipped.

"Anne, look," Matthew speaks up, grabbing the young women's attention. The sixteen year old looks up, coming face to face with a enormous building that looks more like a castle than a boarding school.

"It's beautiful," Anne whispers as the car stops. She opens her door, stepping out of the car, her boots crunching the leaves. "This building is the most beautiful thing I've ever laid my eyes on."

"Now Anne, don't get ahead of yourself," Marilla says, gently grabbing onto Anne's arm and starting to walk her towards the entrance.

"Oh Marilla! Can't you see how lovely this place is? I would be ecstatic to spend the rest of my days wondering the many halls of this school," Anne grins, her eyes lighting up with the mere thought of exploring this place.

Marilla just nods her head and softly laughs in response. "Your luggage has already been delivered ahead of time, now all you need to do is check in."

"Marilla, I don't want to leave you and Matthew," Anne sighs, stopping in front of entrance to Avonlea Academy. She is starting to have second thoughts about transferring to a boarding school. She would be new while majority of the kids have been at this school for two years. What if nobody liked her? Oh, what if her roommate hated her?

"Anne Shirley, stop that this instant! You have beyond excited to come to this school ever since you learned you got accepted. Everything will be alright, I promise," Marilla says in a strict tone and Anne knows there is no point in arguing with her.

The doors to Avonlea Academy open and Anne Shirley takes a step into the building. A step that changed her life


Anne Shirley walks up the maroon staircase, her feet dragging. She was dreading meeting her roommate, no matter how many times Marilla said everything would be alright.

Her room was number sixteen and she would be sharing with a girl whose name she could not remember for the life of her. Since her room was on the fourth floor, there were a lot of stairs she had to walk up in order to even reach her floor.

Anne stands at the end of hallway, taking everything in. The wood covered walls and the maroon carpeted floor. Every door had a number on it that was engraved with gold. Not real gold of course, well Anne hoped it wasn't real gold.

Her room was near the end of the hall, which did not bother her the slightest. Nothing was going to bother her the slightest! She took a deep breath as she knocked on the door.

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