crazy about you

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Gilbert waits until Anne is fully asleep before slowly sliding her off of him. He reaches and grabs a throw pillow and slips it under Anne's head so she had a less of a chance of waking up. Gently, he kisses her forehead, a soft smile playing on his lips.

He soundlessly picks up his homework and starts to walk back to his bedroom so he could get some sleep. He planned on coming back early in the morning to check on Anne. She seemed seriously upset and he was really curious as to what happened. Part of him wanted to find out what happened so he could help her through it, but the other part of him did not want to find out because if it involved a person, he knew he would go to no end to find and hurt that person.

Gilbert turns back around, just to make sure everything was okay with Anne. To his surprise, she's starting to awake. She slowly sits up and comes to her senses. Anne stares at Gilbert, her mouth hanging open.

"How long have we been here?" Anne asks, hurriedly snatching up all her books and standing up.

"Hours," Gilbert says causally, stopping Anne from getting past him. "Are you okay?"

Anne stops, her shoulder sagging. "No, I'm not," she admits, staring up at the taller boy.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Gilbert asks, raising an eyebrow.

"I would but I have to-" Anne stops herself, sighing. "Do you have room in your dorm for a redhead?"

So the problem involved Diana. Gilbert was not very surprised, those girls spent so much time together, they were bound to get into a fight sometime or later. "Hm, I have to think," Gilbert grins, messing with the redhead in front of him. "We might have some room."

"Thank you so much Gilbert," Anne says, letting out a breath of happiness. Gilbert smiles down at her, nodding his head.

"Come on Shirley," Gilbert says, extending his hand towards Anne. She graciously accepts, placing her hand in his. He catches her eyes and chuckles softly while squeezing her hand the tiniest bit.


"Gilbert! It was about time you-" Jerry starts, his eyes widening when he sees Anne. "New roommate?"

"For the time being, yes," Gilbert says, closing the door softly behind Anne. "Where should she sleep?"

"Gil, did you forget something?" Anne whispers softly, her grip tightening around Gilbert's hand.

"Am I 'Gil' now to you?" he asks, a smirk appearing on his face. "If so, I like it."

"Other people must call you Gil," Anne says her eyes narrowing at the taller boy.

"You aren't other people Miss Shirley," Gilbert grins, letting go of Anne's hand and disappearing to go retrieve the red and white blanket from the common area.

Before he is out of earshot he hears Jerry say, "He's crazy about you Anne."

He never got to hear Anne's response.


Sunlight broke through the windows in Jerry and Gilbert's room, awakening the redhead that was sleeping in a bed that was most definitely not hers.

Gilbert was shoved awake from his place on the floor by Anne. "Gilbert Blythe!" she cries, yanking the blanket off the boy.

"What do you want Anne?" Gilbert asks, rubbing his eyes as he slowly sits up.

"You gave me your bed while you slept on the floor?" Anne asks, her eyes curious.

Gilbert smiles a tiny bit as he tilts his head towards Anne. "That is exactly what happened," he says, running a hand through his curly hair. He was still very tired and wanted nothing more than just to go back to sleep.

Anne sits back on her knees, her red hair falling in front of her face. Even through all of her hair, Gilbert could still see that she was smiling to herself.


"So, do you plan on ever sleeping in your own room ever again?" Gilbert asks while taking a bite of his breakfast. He was having pancakes while Anne was having waffles.

Anne looks up at him and cocks her head to the side. "I think so," she says, starting to grin. "Or maybe I'll annoy you forever."

"You're not annoying, I enjoy your company," Gilbert says, smiling at the girl next to her. He did not really want Anne to go back to Diana, but he knew she had to. Diana was her best friend and she would not survive without her.

"You're too romantic," Anne says, poking the air with a bit of her waffle. Gilbert chuckles, shaking his head. He knew that he was a hopeless romantic but he was not going to admit that to Anne Shirley.

"Oh thank you lord, you finally told Anne you have feelings for her," Josie Pye says as she takes a seat at the table. Charlie Sloane and Billy Andrews follow behind her.

Gilbert immediately blushes a dark red and turns to face Josie, " I didn't actually, but thank you for telling her for me."

Josie stares at Gilbert and her widen. "Oh," she mumbles, her voice soft.

Gilbert stares down at his lap, his emotions nervous as to why Anne has not responded yet. He knew she did not like him, but it still hurt to face the actual fact that she did not like him.

"Gil, I-" Anne starts to say before Gilbert gets up.

"Don't bother," Gilbert says angrily, turning around and walking quickly out of the dining hall and bumping into Diana.

"Gilbert, hi. Have you seen Anne?" Diana asks, a sad smile on her face.

"Yeah," Gilbert says shortly, trying to get move the dark haired girl or somehow get around her. He did not want to be anywhere near Anne at the moment.

"Well, where is she?" Diana asks, the sad smile turning into a happier smile.

"Dining hall," Gilbert mumbles, finally getting by her and walking as fast as he can from the scene where his heart just got broken.

an; my poor baby gilbert ):

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