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Today was going to drag on for eternity and Anne was not ready for it.

She walked into her English classroom, seeing two open seats. One was next to Gilbert Blythe and the other was next to a girl with short blonde (almost white) hair. She close the girl.

Anne takes a seat, seeing the blonde girl was on her phone, texting someone very eagerly. Of all sudden the girl looks up and locks eye contact with Anne. She feels her cheeks grow red with embarrassment, looking away.

"Don't even worry about it. My conversations aren't even that interesting. I'm Kenna Brookes," she says, smiling at Anne. "Cool hair by the way."

Anne smiles a bright smile, touching her very red hair. "Thank you, I love yours. I'm Anne Shirley," she says, looking down at her notebooks.

"Awesome and thanks! I dye it all the time," Kenna grins, going back to her phone. Anne pulls out her own phone and sees she has a snapchat from Gilbert. She glances up at the boy, seeing he's staring straight back at her. She looks away and shuts her phone off, slipping it into her bag.

"What's Gilbert done to you?" Kenna asks, turning her phone off and focusing all her attention onto Anne.

Anne shakes her head, trying to laugh it off. "Nothing!" she says, turning away from Kenna and focusing on her notebook.

"Mhm," Kenna mumbles, turning her phone back on and going onto Instagram.

Anne leans back in her chair, taking a deep breath.


"Get with your essay partners," Professor Valdez says, expecting the class to start moving. When they do not, she looks up, tilting her head. "Are you guys waiting for me to drag you to your partners? Go!"

Everyone quickly moves, but Anne stays put, not moving. Gilbert slowly approaches her, not wanting to upset her.

"Okay, first off, good morning. Second off, what could I have possibly done to upset you in twelve hours? I didn't even see you for those twelve hours," Gilbert says, sliding into the seat next to her, shuffling through his papers to try and find the outline.

"You didn't do anything, I'm just tired," Anne shrugs, moving her desk closer to Gilbert's so it would be easier to see things.

"Ah," Gilbert says, finally finding the outline. He turns to Anne, a smile on his face. "Any ideas, partner?"


"I'm literally going to murder Gilbert Blythe," Anne grunts, walking out of the classroom door, Kenna next to her.

"Okay, what'd he do this time?" Kenna asks, her hands wrapped around her books.

"He's so happy all the time. He also is so sweet and apologizes. Nobody apologizes anymore," Anne sighs, pulling her phone out of her bag.

"You like him, don't you?" Kenna asks, smirking. Anne rolls her eyes, shaking her head.

"No way. I do not like Gilbert Blythe," she mutters, waving goodbye to Kenna as she meets up with Diana and Ruby.

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