gil and di

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Anne quietly shuts the door, her hands falling to her sides. Diana stares at the ground, the both of them not moving or saying the first word.

Diana broke the silence first. "I know you don't like me," she says flatly, not beating around the bush. Anne glances up at Diana, seeing her expression was sad and a little bit of hurt. To be honest, Anne did not know how she felt towards Diana. Everything was just a huge mess currently.

"You don't-"

"Yes I do Anne. I see the way you look at Gil. I see the way you act around him. I think you forget we all have history together. He looks the same way at you. He admitted he liked you today," Diana says, grabbing Anne by the shoulders. Anne looks away from Diana, not able to say anything. She felt like if she said anything, it would be the wrong thing to say.

"He didn't let me say anything," Anne finally says, shrugging her shoulders. "He doesn't really like me. Josie was making things up."

"If Josie was making things up, why did he react like he did? Anne, I found him after he walked out and he told me he liked you. I thought he talked to you?" Diana asks, tilting her head to the side.

"He never talked to me after he stormed out of the dining hall," Anne says, raising her eyebrows. "He was supposed to talk to me?"

"I told him to," Diana says, dropping her hands from Anne's shoulders.

"You told him to go after me even though you like me?" Anne asks, feeling her face heat up. Diana cared so much about her that she sacrificed her feelings for Anne.

"Yeah," Diana mumbles, turning away from Anne and walking over to her bed. She takes a seat on her bed and leans her head against the wall.

Anne makes her way over to her desk, sitting down in the chair. Her fingers gently tap the top of her desk, the quiet sound comforting her.

A rapid knocking at the door make both girls jump, Anne's eyes widening. Diana glares at the door as it slowly opens.

"Anne, do you have a moment?" Gilbert Blythe asks, leaning against the doorframe. "It'll just be a few minutes."

Anne looks at Diana, her heart beating fast. Does she leave Diana or does she ignore Gilbert? She stares down at her feet, hoping ignoring both of them would solve the problem.

"Of course Anne has a moment," Diana says, smiling widely at the redhead. "I'll be here."

Anne glances at Diana and she notices her smiles falters. Anne's heart drops and her breath becomes uneven. She stands up from her chair and slowly makes her way over to Gilbert, giving Diana a chance to say something.

Diana stays silent as Anne walks over to Gilbert. Anne looks up at Gilbert and he extends his hand, gently grabbing her hand.

"Gil, what are you doing?" Anne asks after the door has been closed. Her nerves were all over the place. How was a person supposed to feel after two people confessed that they liked you?

"I just want to make things right," Gilbert says, leaning against the railing, his hands gently gripping the top. Her heartbeat started going faster just looking at that railing. It was so old it could, and would, give away at any given moment. Anne had always secretly imagined Josie falling down the flights of the stairs, but definitely not Gilbert.

"Gilbert, no!" Anne cries suddenly, rushing forward to move him from the railing. Gilbert's body jumps and his hands go towards Anne's. His hand encloses around Anne's wrist and the two look at each other.

Gilbert slowly bends his head down and gently presses his lips against Anne's. Her eyes flutter closed and she smiles, her heart feeling happy.

Gilbert's hand releases from her wrist and he pulls away, staring at the ground. "I'm sorry," he whispers, his cheeks turning red.

Anne's hand reaches for his and she intertwines their fingers, a soft smile on their face. "Don't be sorry Gil," she says, placing a soft kiss on his cheek.

"Can we talk later? I have to meet with one of my teachers," Gilbert sighs, running a hand through his hair. Anne noticed he did that a lot so she assumed it was a nervous tick of his. She nods her head, disappearing back into her room.

Diana was still sitting on her bed, her hands laying limp in her lap. Her eyes were red so Anne could tell she had been crying.

Anne's heart broke at the sight of her best friend in tears. She soundlessly climbs onto Diana's bed, sitting next to her friend. Diana looks up at her, trying to muster up a smile.

"What did Gil-" Diana starts to ask, but quickly gets interrupted.

Anne presses her lips to Diana's, her heart beating faster than she thought possible. She quickly pulls away, looking away from Diana, her eyes closed.

"Anne, what the he-" Diana starts to ask before shutting herself up. "Why am I questioning that?"

Questions were flying through Anne's mind. Did she enjoy that kiss? She did, a lot. Was it because she knew Diana liked her? No, probably not. Was it as enjoyable as the kiss with Gilbert? Pretty much. Was she bisexual? That made Anne stop thinking. She was nervous to label herself. The last thing she wanted to do was come out to people she loved and have them reject her.

"I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to just kiss you," Anne says, running her hands through her hair. Maybe running her hands through her hair was her nervous tick.

Diana turns to face Anne, smiling sadly. "Ruby did the same thing. She didn't know if she was bisexual or pansexual or straight or gay or whatever so she kissed me. She felt nothing. I'm used to it," she admits, shrugging her shoulders.

"That's the thing Diana," Anne mumbles, grabbing the dark haired girls' attention. "I didn't feel nothing. I felt something."

Diana and Anne stare at each other, fear in both of their eyes.

an; bisexual anne! i hope you guys really liked this chapter even though it's one of the shorter ones :)

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