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"Hey Anne," Diana Barry says, zipping her bright blue suitcase shut. Her eyes try to find Anne's, but Anne is in a whole different world. "Anne?"

Anne snaps her head up, her attention traveling back to Diana. She is sitting on her bed, her legs dangling off of it. She was trying to decide whether or not to pack the sign Diana had made her. "Hmm?" she asks, her red hair tied up in a bun for the first time.

'I'm going to miss you over break," Diana says softly, taking a seat in a chair near her own bed. Anne nods her head, sighing softly. So much had happened with Diana over the course of one semester and Anne was kind of glad to be getting a break from her. She didn't want to complicate her feelings even more. She was finally back to just being hopelessly in love with Gilbert Blythe and she didn't want anything to change that.

"Me too," Anne smiles, gently taking the sign down from above her bed. Diana gives her a puzzled look and Anne knows she has to explain herself. "I'm taking it home, Matthew and Marilla would love to see it."

Diana nods her head understandingly. "You know, I find it weird you call your parents by their first names," she observes, shrugging her shoulders. "Not questioning it though."

Anne stares down at her hands, debating on telling Diana the truth or just letting her believe what she wanted to. "Di," Anne says shakily, gaining the glance of the girl with the raven black hair. "I'm adopted. I'm an orphan. Matthew and Marilla are siblings and they adopted me. It was a whole tragic accident, but they ended up taking me for the good of the world. Now, I'm living with my angels on earth."

Diana stares at Anne, her mouth wide open. "Oh," she stumbles out, nodding her head slowly. "That was a lot of information."

"Yeah, but they're lovely, I promise. They are absolutely amazing and I wouldn't trade them for the world!" Anne giggles, unaware of how uncomfortable the girl next to her is. "Except, you know, for my real parents. I bet though, they would be nothing compared to the Cutheberts!"

Diana forces a smile, her eyes wide. She glances at the door and there stands a Ruby Gillis, a pink suitcase in hand. Diana slowly stands, her hand gripping the headboard of her bed.

"Well, my parents are here," Ruby says, a certain sadness in her voice. "I should be going."

Diana quickly rushes over to her, enveloping Ruby in a long and tight hug. Anne watches the two of them, her heart full. She was so happy that they were finally together and that everything was finally okay.

"Bye Anne!" Ruby smiles as a blonde curl falls in front of her face. Anne raises a hand and gingerly waves at Ruby. Diana moves the curl from her girlfriend's face. "I will dearly miss you and your words."

"I will miss your smile, my dear Ruby," Anne says, a small smile appearing on her face. Ruby looks down and blushes, and Anne knows that the compliment meant a lot to her.

"My girlfriend," Diana warns, an air of joking behind her voice. Anne and Ruby both blow a kiss to each other, just to mess with Diana.

"Diana,' Ruby says, a tone of seriousness appearing out of almost nowhere. "My parents don't know about, you know." She trails off, motioning with her hand to continue to speak for her.

Diana nods, an understanding look overcoming her. "It's okay, mine don't know either. They still think I'm in love with Charlie Sloane," she laughs, leaning against the door. "I'll be questioned about it all break."

"Oh good," Ruby says, a weight being lifted off her shoulders. "Mine think I'm in love with Gilbert Blythe."

"Um," a passing voice says, a hint of judgment in her voice. "You may be dating Diana, but you are still so in love with him."

"Jane!" Ruby hisses, throwing her head back to look at the dirty blonde behind her. "I am not."

Jane puts her hands up in defeat. "Whatever you say, Gillis," she grins, continuing to walk down the hallway.

"That girl!" Ruby exclaims, putting her head in her hands.

"Ignore her," Anne offers up from her bed. "Besides, Gil is mine. Wonderfully mine."

Diana and Ruby giggle, their eyes connecting and anyone could see the hint of longing shared between the two girls. Even though they were next to each other, they wanted more. What more could they want? Anne didn't know.

an: wow i love not having inspiration for this book

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