just like me

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"I know everyone is so excited to be taking a journalism class," Professor Stacy welcomes the class that is sitting bored in front of her. "But, I am beyond ecstatic! We are going to change the world with our writing!"

Anne grins up at her, a pen in hand. She could not wait to get started, she had been waiting for a class like this ever since she was younger. Josie Pye is sitting next to her, seemingly normal again. Her violet headband was placed perfectly on her head and her uniform was ironed and spotless. Maybe yesterday was just a fluke?

"First, I have to introduce a couple new students," Professor Stacy bursts, inviting them to stand up. Tillie smiles at all the girls she has already met and bats an eye at Charlie Sloane.

"Tillie Boulter comes all the way from Charlottetown College Preparatory," Professor Stacy starts, gesturing towards Tillie. "Cole Mackenzie joins us also from Charlottetown College Preparatory."

Anne glances at Gilbert, who is smiling at Cole. She is so glad that he is reaching out to new people and making them feel welcome. When he reached out to her, she rejected him for so long, but he was so persistent. She loves that quality about him, Gilbert is unwilling to give up.

"Cole is kind of cute," Josie whispers to Anne, her eyes bursting with excitement.

"Josie," Anne starts, tapping her friend on the shoulder. "I think he goes to the other way."

Josie sighs and Anne knows she feels defeated. "Just like Elliot," she laments, resting her chin in her hands.

"Next we have Miss Winifred Rose," Professor Stacy grins as the ridiculously gorgeous curly blonde stands up. Anne feels jealously pulsing through her veins and she can't seem to get rid of it. She knew this girl was trouble for her. "Lastly we have Marley Wood."

Anne turns her attention to a boy in the back of the classroom. She gasps, her pen falling out of her hand. The boy that timidly stands has red hair like her. Marley finds her gaze and kind of smiles, trying not to draw attention to himself.

"Here you go Anne—" Josie stops, following Anne's eyes. "He has red hair."

Anne turns her attention back to Josie, tears in her eyes, "He's like me."

"He's like you," Josie repeats, her eyes understanding.


"Class was crazy today, wasn't it?" Diana queries, carrying her books in her hand. "I can't believe we have four new students! Did you see Marley? A handsome fellow."

Anne feels like she's lost in a wonderland, the good kind. She tries to keep in time with Diana, but keeps seeming to get lost in her own thoughts. "He looks like me."

"Oh but you're more beautiful," Diana jokes, pushing Anne slightly, but she doesn't notice.

"Hitting on my girlfriend, again?" Gilbert chuckles, sweeping the redhead from the arms of Diana. "I'm only messing with you."

"I am not an object!" Anne objects, lightly hitting both of them. She watches Diana wince again and hold her arm slightly. What was wrong with Diana?

"Never said you were," Gilbert asserts, watching Diana walk over to Ruby and the rest of their class. "Professor Stacy seems cool."

"Oh she seems like the best," Anne agrees, leaning up against her boyfriend. In this moment she truly knew she loved Gilbert more than anyone. He was her rock and he knew everything about her without Anne ever saying anything.

"You're the best," Gilbert grins, kissing the top of her forehead. "Movie night in my room? Jerry's going to be with Elliot."

Anne wriggles her eyebrows and nods her head, "I'll be there."

"Well, I hope you will be."


On the way to Gilbert's room that night, Anne has to pass by the common living area that's normally crowded with students. She dreaded doing that because she wanted to draw the least amount of attention to herself as possible.

That night though, there were only a couple students in the room, since school had just started and there wasn't much homework to complete. One of them being Marley Wood. He was seated by the fireplace and was reading a book, his head buried deep inside of it.

Anne couldn't help herself even though she knew she should be at Gilbert's right now. She pulled out her phone and shot him a quick text saying she'll be a little late, but didn't give him a reason why.

She walks over to where Marley is sitting and takes a seat on the other end of the couch, trying to not be suspicious. He glances up at Anne, placing a finger on the word he just read to not lose his place. "Can I help you?" he asks, his eyebrows raised.

"You have red hair," Anne blurts out, her face immediately going red. That was not the way she wanted to start the conversation.

"I know."

"I have red hair too," Anne tries to restart, her brain completely fried and she has no idea where to go from here. "I'm used to being the only redhead around."

Marley closes his book, setting it down on the coffee table next to him. "Well, now there's another redhead here. Congratulations," he says, his expression bored.

"I just wanted to introduce myself, I'm Anne," she smiles, trying to hype herself up so she doesn't end up looking like a fool.

"Well you know me," Marley grins, extending his hand for Anne to shake. "But, it's nice to meet you, Anne."

Anne shakes his hand, her heartbeat relaxing knowing that she didn't completely ruin any chances of friendship.

"I'll see you around?" Anne stands up from her position and starts to walk away, feeling confident in herself.

"Yes ma'am," Marley chuckles, reopening his book and nestling up by the fire.

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