News [13]

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                                        ❁ Azriel

"Oh em gee, no way the ski trip is next week," Sydney mocks every girl that said that these past few days.

"I don't understand? Why is everyone talking it up, it's just skiing god damn." I slam my locker shut then pick my bag up from the hallway floor.

"Aw, so innocent I love it." Sydney coos.

I screw my face in confusion, which she notices.

"You know everyone hooks up at the ski trip, right? It's like a school sanctioned booty call." She explains.

"Come again?"

"That's where I lost my V freshman year," she sighs thinking back "good times."

"There are chaperones," I answer worried. "How can people just have sex with fucking chaperones around?"

She looks at me like I'm mental, "chaperones go to sleep early because they're old as fuck, people just sneak out. Plus there's a hot tub. Did you know that there's a hot tub?"

"Was I supposed to know?"

She shrugs, "I guess not."

"So...does this mean I need to pack a swimsuit or something? Because that's a fucking no, I look like a pile of tires in a swim suit! What if-"

"Girl, relax." Sydney chuckles.

We enter the cafeteria where Sloane was already waiting for us at our usual table.

"I'm not going." I state.

"Going where?" Sloane asks as we sit down.

"Oh hell no. You can't not go to the ski trip. That's not an option." Sydney shakes her head.

"Girl you heard me, I can't go because frankly I'm shit at skiing and it just sounds like an orgy." I huff.

"Pass the twinkies." Sloane outstretched her arm at Sydney who rolled her eyes.

"Anyways," Sydney starts as Sloane eats and happily hums to herself. "You're new here, yeah, so your going. Done deal."

I cry internally. Truth is, I do want to go but I have a feeling something unexpected will happen if I do.

"Sloane." Sydney calls and Sloanes head perks up, "yeah?"

"Remember the ski trip last year? People went skinny dipping." She laughs.

My eyes bug out, "Bro what? Bitches were nude?"

"Well, the girls took their tops off. Just be prepared." Sloane chews her twinkie.

"Last year I heard Mr. Lopez got in the hot tub with some students and it was weird."

"Wasn't he also the one who groomed one of his students?" Sloane asks and Sydney nods.

"Sounds pedophilic."


"Oh my god," one of the girls in front of me gasps as she looks at something behind me. She nudges her friend, "look."

Being my curious self, I turn around to see what the drama is. And when I do I almost gasp myself.

It's Vinnie making out with a brunette.

Part of me is annoyed by it for some reason. And the other part is utterly disgusted.

"Vincent Hacker," our chemistry teacher snaps.

He pulls away from the girl, "What? It wasn't just me. Cassidy was involved too," he points to the girl he was just kissing.

"My names Cassandra," she scowls.

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