Goosebumps [20]

658 45 33

                                         ❁ Azriel

M a t u r e  c o n t e n t  a h e a d  d o  n o t  r e a d  i f  y o u  c a n t  h a n d l e  s o m e  h e a t⚠🔥


Some people say it's one of the strongest emotions. Because you can be blinded by it and it can cloud your judgment and encourage you to do shitty things. It can make you hate someone more than you already do and make your blood boil in the worst anger. But worst of all it can hurt you, but in reality, you're just hurting yourself because jealousy is an emotion you choose to feel.

I thought that was all bullshit up until this moment. The moment I saw Vinnie Hacker making out with Macy Adams. I know I shouldn't care about him being with someone else, but I do. Why do I feel this way towards someone who doesn't have a care in the world for anyone but himself? That's the question I'd like an answer to.

I didn't even want to come to this stupid party in the first place and this is what I get as a reward.

I look away disgusted.

"Yas," I tug on her arm. "I'm going out, I need some air."

Inside is way to stuffy and it reeks of alcohol.

She gives me a look but nods. "Ok, imma go talk to Kai for a moment."

"Hm, ok." I mumble.

"I heard that." She rolls her eyes.

The night air hits me as I step outside through the glass kitchen doors, making me wish I had brought a jacket with me instead of a sweater.

There aren't much people out here; just a couple making out, and two guys pretending that they're going to throw a girl in the pool.

I stand there - feeling out of place - for a couple of minutes before deciding to go look for Sydney.

When I walk into the living room, I spot Sloane. She's standing in the corner of the room, with her lips locked with Sydneys.

Oh my god.

What happened? What the hell did I miss?

I turn on my heel and head back out the door. I can't interrupt that.

Walking into the kitchen, I try to find a familiar face. When I see Lia my body almost melts from relief.

She's sitting with some guy on the barstools at the kitchen island.

"Hey." I say as I stand on the opposite side of them.

"I haven't seen you in forever." Lia giggles.

I smile then glare at the boy beside her, "Who's this?"

She burps, "A friend. Also have you seen my brother?"

"Um, no." I lie.

"I thought he'd be with you." She takes a drag from her smoke.

"He's with Macy."

"Who's that?" She asks.

I shrug in response.

"Wanna take shots with us?" The random guy asks.

"No thanks, I don't drink." I glance around the kitchen and spot Kai and Yasmeen. She's laughing at something he said.

Everyone seems to be having fun. What the fuck am I doing?

Suddenly a hand grabs my shoulder and spins me around, catching me by surprise.

"Um Azi-"

I scowl once I see who it is. "What do you want Player?"

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