Surprise [4]

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                                           ❁ Azriel

"Az..riel?" Adrian stutters and I cringe.

Well, this is exactly what I should have expected since my entire life is just some massive shit show, solely for entertainment.

"What are you doing here?" He asks stepping closer to me.

"I actually work here." I reply rolling my eyes.

"Wait, for real?"

"Well no duh, why else would I be he dressed like this." I gesture to my work uniform. "And I should be the one asking you what you're doing here."

Adrian shrugs his shoulders, shoving his hands into his pockets, "I was bored."


"You really expect me to believe that?" I snort and he gives me a puzzled look. "Why else would I be here? I don't exactly need the money anyways. So you actually work here?"

Oh shit.

"Yeah I do." I answer boldly. I was not about to transform my entire life into a lie. Besides he already put the pieces together so it would be absolutely usless to lie anyways.
"But you go to the academy, why would you need a job?"

"It's none of your business." I shove past him hoping to end the conversation.

If I tell him, he'll obviously blab about it to my entire Chemistry class and then soon the school. Then I'll get labeled as the poor black girl who came into their school under a scholarship. Yeah...I'm not going to give them the satisfaction.

"Oh my goodness hello there." A slender black haired women around the age thirty five startled me from behind.

"Hey." I greeted her.

"You must be....Ariel? No Azriel." She corrected herself after peeking at my name tag. You'd be surprised at how many times this has happened.

"Yep that's me."

"I'm actually Sarah, Max's wife and I just came over to let you know that you're on cash today with Adrien." She explains, her smile not once leaving her face.

"You know Adrian right?" She beams.

"Yeah we actually go to the same school."

"Ah, even better. Now let's get you situated." She walks over to the cash register at the front counter then punches a few buttons. "There you're all set." She rubs her hands together before disappearing into a door that read Authorized Personnel Only.


An hour passes by, and the only work I've done so far was smash the cash register repeatedly while Adrian laughed at me, not helping.

"Jesus Christ, what are you hulk?" He chuckles. Just as I'm about to reply with a snarky comment, Yasmeen comes in and takes a seat at a booth a couple rows down.

Yas quickly scans the building, most likely looking for me. Her eyes fixate on me then she rushes over to the counter like an idiot.

"Hey bitch." She greets me.

"Sup whore."

She sits down on one of the red barstools in front of me, getting comfortable. "This is probably the cutest place ever." She sqeals looking around the diner again.

She wasn't wrong. The outside of the diner looked like any other regular building but the interior design had an old red 1990s theme going on. It was an overall cosy space where people would visit to study, or have breakfast and lunch.

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