Blushing [22]

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"I don't know why you like it so much here," I gazed over the cliffside, the sun reflected over the flat water like always did, it was warm out.

"It's warm and the breeze is nice, the sound of the water is always calming too." 

That's all it took to make me shut up, knowing that she was content and happy was enough. God I feel like throwing up.

"Plus, the lake reminds me of you," She continues. "I sometimes see it in your eyes, whenever you look at me like-" She looks up at me, only to see that I'm already looking at her, giving her all of my attention. "That."

"Well doll, i always look at you like this." I smile slightly down at her, I actually fucking smiled.

Azi sat with her legs crossed, her hands neatly folded in her lap as she overlooked the view. Strands of her hair whimsically blowing in the wind. I try not to stare, I really do.

It was hard.

"Y'know, I've never realised that- ah! Fuck!" She yelps suddenly before standing up and dusting her arm.

"What? What happened?" I ask concerned.

She sits down again, "Just a dumb mosquito." I watch her as she pinches her skin. "Ah, fuck a duck that hurts." She winces squeezing her eyes shut.

"Where did you learn that colourful language from?" I ask with a laugh, she opens her eyes to look at me.

"Some public school, but mostly Yas and others. Speaking of Yasmeen, I think her and Kai are going out." 

I fight a smile, "A crackhead and a stoner, what a pair."

"Please, only the strongest survive a relationship with that bitch. A whole ass curse."

"That's strange, Kai is a quiet edgy kid still stuck in his emo phase." I add.

"Remember when Yas called him a school shooter? Remember that?" She chuckles.

"I was trying to forget." 

"Poor kid."

"I've never been to a public school," I blurt. "I've gone to private schools my whole life."

She rolls her eyes, "That's because you're rich, shitbox."

"That's not always the case."

"You right, but for you it is." She plays with the grass, plucking dandelions. "What I've learned is it's not that different. Both have popular morons, the mean girls, nerds. It's just one is white and the other...not so much."

"Why'd you transfer here? And be honest ok?" I ask suddenly.

She looks away hesitantly, "Scholarship."

"That's not a bad thing."

"Did I say it was?" She snaps.

"I'm sorry." Jesus, what the fuck am I even saying?

"Do you like Macy?" She accuses.

I blink, "No."

"But you're always with her in class, and even at the party she was all over you, kissing you and shit."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2021 ⏰

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