Death Wish [19]

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I'm sitting at Mel's with Kai trying to get Azi off my mind. What the fuck is she doing to me? I can't even explain my feelings towards her and it's making me fucking mad.

I've never been so furious and turned on by a girl in my entire life until now. She's a fucking nerd who reads for fun, but has one smart ass mouth. I wanna rip my hair out just thinking about it.

Thinking about what I said to her.

She's an insecure little nerd and here I am thinking about her everyday like a weirdo with a middle school crush. It's pathetic.

"Hey man what's been going on with you lately?" Kai asks from across me, leaning on the table.

"What do you mean?" I ask but I'm lying. There's been a lot going on with me and my father. And goddamn Azi. She shouldn't even be a reason. I shouldn't be thinking about her.

I shouldn't want to touch her every time she talks to me with those sexy ass legs of hers.

"You know what I mean Vin. Is there something going on with you and Azi?"

"How'd you know?" I narrow my eyes at him suspiciously.

He chuckles, "because you randomly invited me to this diner, and you can't keep your horny little eyes off of her for shit."

Part of what he said was true. I only came here because I knew she had a shift today. But I didn't wanna come alone, so I had to invite Kai because Player doesn't even like her.

My eyes shot foward to the front at the counter, and lingered on Azriel, longer than I should've. I watched as she carelessly doodled on her notepad that she used to record orders. She was still beautiful beyond words. Her eyes we brown as ever, almost darker than usual.

Her hair dark as the night sky, her skin almost as dark and smooth. Her lips...her lush lips. I wonder what they would taste like on my mouth, if it's sweet or bitter. Or if they were as smooth as they looked.

Lush lips? Jesus, what the fuck am I even thinking?

"Why does it matter?"

"Because you're the biggest asshole at school and she seems nice and well kept. Way to good for you."

I scowl, "Why would you say that she's nice? Do you like her or something? She's-"

"Holy fuck dude, chill out I didn't mean it like that." Kai raises his hands up in surrender.

Whenever Azi talk to another guy it makes me fucking lethal. Even when Josh would look at her like she was an object, it made me wanna strangle the shit out of him. Jesus, I don't know why I'm like this. Why I'm so possessive. I just don't know.

Do you ever just fall for someone's vibe? Like not anything sexual just like their presence? Like genuinely talking and laughing with them. Yeah, that's exactly how a feel about her. And I hate it.

I've never felt like this, with anyone. I feel a strong pull towards her like I need to have her, and hold her. She just kind of understands me even though I'm such a shit person she can still see through my bullshit.

"We're not together, and we'll never be." I say to Kai and I'm not sure if it's the truth.

"And why is that? I see the way you undress her with your eyes when you think no one is looking and I see the way she looks at you."

She's probably looking at me with hate.

Just as I'm about to protest, Kai cuts me off. "Don't even try to deny it. The real question is, why her?"

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