Cravings [21]

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                                          ❁ Azriel

"Oh, you're awake." I say, standing near the doorway as Vinne blinked a couple of times at the sharp sunlight. "I'll get you some Advil."

I came back with the medicine and a glass of water. He took the medicine as I rubbed his forehead and he rested his head on my shoulder.

Yasmeen texted me last, asking if I got home safe. I told her yes, not mentioning that I'm stuck with the last person I'd ever want to be. Her text also said something along the lines of "girl why the fuck did you leave me alone with that fine ass nigga Kai? This motherfucker won't stop staring at me, tryna sleep with me and shit."

Yeah, she's insane.

"I am never drinking ever again." Vinnie grumbles from beside me, making me laugh. "Fuck, did we have sex?"

"No! Of coarse not." I sputter, startled. "You were very pushy though."

Realization settles on his face "Thanks for not sleeping with me last night." He glances at me, his voice small. "Even though I insisted–it wouldn't be right." 

"Of course, Vin. You shouldn't thank me for doing the bare minimum." I sigh. "Even though it was hard with everything you were saying."

"Ugh, don't remind me." He groans, his head dropping in his hands. 

"You're a whore when you're drunk, you know that right?" I crack up, my eyes crinkling while I wheezed. "You said so many dirty things–"

"Azi, shut up!" He blushed, swatting at my shoulder but this only made me laugh harder, causing him to crack a smile. 

"I didn't know you had it in you." I wiped a tear from the corner of your eye. "You asked me if you could touch my–"


"You asked me to fuck–"

"Jesus, shut the fuck up!" He buries his face into one of my pillows embaressed.

"Every word that came out of your mouth was basically porn." I messed up his hair and he whined. "It was quality porn, though. I am telling you."

After that, he just looks at me with an unreadable expression.


"Nothing," He stares at the glass in his hands.

I sit on the edge of the bed, "What's the last thing you remember from last night?"

"Well, I was dancing, then Player made me be on his team for beer bong. When it was over Macy came to me and-"

After a moment he shakes his head, "Then I started drinking a lot, and everythings kinda blurry after that."

"Oh," Is all I say. "You need to go home and change." I stand up. 

"No way, I'm not leaving this bed."

"Get up now, Vincent." I scold him.

"Shut up," He rolls his eyes annoyed.

"You first-" Suddenly, I heard someone knock on my bedroom door. I sit up from my bed, startled.

Did mom decide to come home early or something? Because if thats the case, I'm in some deep shit. Theres a guy, a hot guy  in my fucking room! I'm moments away from getting massacred.

Vinnie looks up at me with wide eyes, we're so screwed.

I grab his wrist, dragging him out of bed. "You need to go." I whisper yell at him in panic. He nods his head once and starts putting his shoes on.

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