Finally in Luther's Town

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"We should be at Luther's town by evening," Dagon told Olivia as Cindy carried them in her hands. "After all that has happened, I'm surprised that we are actually going to make it on time," Dagon said in disbelief.

Olivia nodded in agreement, they were making good time, considering what happened to the guards a few days ago. She couldn't believe that she was going to be back in civilization. Sure, she was going to marry someone she didn't want to, but at least she would be safe from all the dangers outside of the walls. But Cindy and Dagon wouldn't be safe. They would still be out here fending for their lives, with only themselves to look out for each other. No one to take care of them if they get hurt or sick. Olivia wanted to help them but there wasn't anything she could do.

"Is the lake really as big as you say," Cindy asked doubting what Dagon had told her.

"It's big enough that you can't see the other side of it. In fact, rumor has it that no one has ever sailed the entire length," Dagon tried to assure her.

"That's just a myth, but the lake is enormous," Olivia said. "It took 5 days to sail from one end to the other. There are maps of the lake but not much is found on the other side of the lake, so people tend to not sail that far out."

Dagon popped Cindy in the finger, "See I told you. How could you doubt your brother like that?"

Ignoring Dagon, Cindy asked, "And the fish?"

"Well, I haven't been to Luther's town in a long time, but I remember that if you were lucky and had enough people you could fish for the bigger fishes. Fishes the size of whole houses."

There was a grumbling noise from Cindy's stomach that told them that she was imaging the size of these fishes.

"Calm down there," Dagon told Cindy. "We still need to drop off the princess before we can start celebrating."

Olivia noticed how Dagon was starting to use her title instead of her name now. After Dagon found Cindy and talked with her, neither of them have used her name since that day. Olivia didn't know why but this really seemed to hurt her at how they were trying to distance themselves from her. She came to know them rather well and wanted to stay friends at the least but it seemed that they had other ideas. Sadly, as much as Olivia hated it, she knew that it had to be for the best. Once she is married, the chances of her being able to leave the city for anything would be zero. She wouldn't even be able to see Dagon again, even if she wanted. There would be no reason for King Ursa to let a merchant/wanderer into the castle to see his queen.

Maybe it was for the best that she too, tried to cut ties with Dagon and Cindy. Not wanting to think about it, Olivia tried to distract herself from the idea of not seeing Dagon and Olivia again.

"So how far away are we," Olivia asked.

"Not far, just a little further and then we can walk there," Dagon told her.

Olivia followed behind Dagon. Cindy dropped them off a little while ago on the road, a feature that Olivia missed more than she thought. She even saw some people walking by, heading in the opposite direction away from Luther's town. Although Olivia came to enjoying being with Dagon and Cindy, she felt a little relieved that she was now heading back to a city. All the food, clothing, people, and most of all security. She wouldn't have to worry about being attacked at any second from animals or Giantesses trying to eat them.

"You excited to be heading back to a city," Dagon asked.

"Yeah, kind of," Olivia told him. "Do you ever miss it?"

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