double shock

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Olivia stood in the large ballroom filled with people dressed in fancy clothing celebrating her wedding that was coming up soon. Her father sent a letter saying that he would arrive in a few weeks and they would be able to have the wedding that had been planned for the past couple months. Olivia didn't know how she felt, part of her was happy but another part of her didn't want to get married. King Luther was great, he always treated her nice but she didn't love him... she loved someone else. Even now she couldn't help but think about him. Even though she only meet him for a little while he was still in her thoughts. It didn't help that she knew how he felt about her too.

"Your majesty," Someone greeted Olivia. She didn't know who it was but she politely bowed and greeted them. Another group of people came by and greeted Olivia as most of the guest that night did. Olivia already forgotten most of their names. Feeling completely out of it, normally she enjoyed these kinds of gatherings but not tonight. Olivia decided to walk around and maybe see if she can recall someone here. As she walked she let her thoughts consume her until she nearly bumped into someone.

"Forgive me your majesty," The older gentlemen said.

"No, it was my fault I should have paid more attention to where I was going," Olivia said trying to apologize to the older man. Olivia frowned, "I'm terribly sorry but I don't recall meeting you..."

The man smiled, "No, we haven't meet yet. My name is Francis Yolgivash," The man said bowing to her. "My three sons," the man said gestured over to were three men around the ages of 18 or 20 were chatting with a group of women. "Demanded that I bring them along to this gathering. I do apologize for not introducing myself to you sooner, but I figured you didn't have time to meet an old man like me."

"I'm glad that I did meet you... Mr Yolg..."

The man smiled, "Please just call me Francis."

Olivia smiled, "It was nice to meet you Francis." Olivia went to walk away but stopped. "Would you care to accompany me on a small walk?" Olivia didn't know why but she enjoyed this strange encounter with the older gentlemen.

"I would be delighted," Francis said as he walked with her outside of the ball room to a small balcony. "I would have to say that it is a pleasure to be able to talk with you."

"It is a little refreshing to speak with someone, to be honest there isn't many who care to have a conversation with me, just to introduce themselves and then be on their ways to enjoy the party for themselves."

"That is a shame, I wish I could say I'm not like them but..."

Olivia smiled, "At least your honest about it."

"It must be hard being away from all your friends and family in Hagger's town."

Olivia nodded, "It is."

Francis tried to give her a reassuring smile, "I hear your father will be arriving soon."

This seemed to brighten Olivia up a little, "He is. I just pray that his travels are better than mine were."

Francis gave her another warm smile, "Don't worry your highness, I'm sure he'll be fine. Besides you traveled during Giantess mating season. That was a very risky thing to do."

Olivia nodded in agreement then froze. She felt a weird sensation run up her spine. How did he know about Giantess mating season? She never told anyone about that. In fact, the only person who knew that was Dagon.

"I hope you enjoy your wedding your majesty."

"Wait," Olivia stopped him. "I just ... where's your last name from it's pretty unique."

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