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Dagon didn't have many memories before his sister was born, all he remembered was that his mom didn't care much for him. There were times where she would almost step on him or push him aside as a toddler. This only made their relationship that much harder to form. All she ever did for him was feed him when he was hungry and carry him around, other than that he was lucky if she talked to him. Males were never really accepted as part of any Giantess family, or that's what his mother told him. She always loved to remind him how lucky that she didn't eat him right where he stood or traded him off to another Giantess.

Dagon figured he was different the moment Cindy's father was found by his mother. As a kid Dagon was small or so he thought. Dagon was just slightly taller than Cindy's father, and he was just a kid. It turns out that when a male is born from a Giantess they are easily 5-6 feet tall like any other Giantess child, but instead of growing they start to shrink down to the size of a normal person. When Dagon turned around 10-11 he was the size of a normal 10-year-old.

Cindy's Dad was captured by Dagon's mother and barely lasted more than a day or two before she broke him. Just like Dagon's father, and like the other countless males used by Giantess. By the time he passed away, he had already impregnated Dagon's mother with a child, Cindy.

The moment Cindy was born she was a few inches taller than Dagon. Dagon remembered seeing the joy in his mother's face when she found out she had a girl. Dagon had never seen her so happy before in her life. His mother kept Cindy close and loved her with all her heart... unlike her relationship with Dagon. Yet Dagon never held that against Cindy, it wasn't her fault that Dagon's mother didn't love him. Besides Dagon loved his sister just as much as his mom loved her, Dagon knew that Cindy was a kind soul. She never treated him like his mom did and always wanted to play together. Sadly, those days didn't last for long.

Giantess usually eat people, but when they are young it's hard to eat something that is usually the same size as you. So when Cindy turned 7 and Dagon was about to turn 11, Cindy was roughly twice the size of Dagon by then, their mother decided it was time for Cindy to try her first person. Luckily Dagon wasn't used as an example, something his mother always threatened him with if he displeased her.

"Ok Cindy, it's time for you to become a Giantess, just like your mother," Dagon's giant mother told her with anticipation in her voice. It was almost like a tradition for all Giantess to watch their daughters eat their first person. Dagon's mother had captured a tiny person probably around the age of 50 or so. The man looked horrified as he tried to plead with Dagon's mother, she paid no attention to him. She placed the man on the ground and waited for Cindy to eat the man. "Go on," Her mother said waiting for her daughter.

Cindy looked up at her mom, "Eat him? Why?" Dagon's mother looked just as confused as Cindy did. As Cindy was questioning her mother, the man started to run away. Dagon's mom reached down and grabbed the man by the legs. He again started to beg for his life but she didn't care. She easily snapped both legs and made him cry out in pain as his legs flopped around useless.

Dagon had seen Giantess eat people before and this wasn't anything new to him, but today it seemed different to him. Maybe because that could have been him. Dagon had to hold his over his mouth to stop himself from making any noise. The last thing he wanted to do was get his mother mad at him and maybe treat him just like that man. Dagon watched as Cindy look at the poor man who was wailing in agony.

"I ... don't want to mommy," Cindy said.

"Cindy," Their mother warned.

"But I can't. Why do I have to," Cindy said as she looked over to her brother for help. Dagon couldn't do anything but feel sorry for her as their mother was forcing her to do something she didn't want to. Then Dagon's mother looked over toward Dagon and gave him a glare that made him step back away from them.

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