Brax town

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The journey to Brax town was longer than Dagon remembered, but Cindy made it to one of the few checkpoints outside of town undetected. The sign on the dusty and unkept road told Dagon they were close. Oddly there didn't seem to be a soul nearby traveling to or from Brax town.

"Alright," Dagon told Cindy as he slipped down her arm and to the cold ground. "You stay here, maybe look around a little, BUT," Dagon said firmly, "Stay out of sight, I don't need Brax town going into a frenzy seeing you walking around near their city."

Cindy rolled her eyes as she shooed Dagon off while mocking him, "DoN't bE a giAntESs NeAR a ciTY!" Cindy gave Dagon a look, "I get it... jeez, you act like this is new to me. Not the first time I had to sit around waiting for you."

"I'm just trying to keep you from getting hurt," Dagon told her with as much sincerity as he could without acting like an older brother. He really wanted to give her some sass but he could understand her feelings about the whole situation.

"And I'm fine," Cindy complained as she rolled her eyes at him. "Jeez, if anything I'd be more worried about yourself. Gonna go walk into some random town and ask questions about giantess... If anyone should be worrying I'd think it would be you."

Dagon shook his head at his sister's remark as he grabbed his bag and started the long journey to Brax town. His sister didn't know what she was saying, Dagon knew from first hand experience how to react with others. As a Giantess she had no idea what it was like all those years he was on his own. He knew exactly what to say and how to behave, what to do to blend in and be a common local or a traveler. Ignoring any words of advice that Cindy gave, Dagon headed toward the town of Brax. Slowly he made his long journey across the rough and unkept road to the town.

The walk toward the northern town could have been more gentle as the ground felt more like loose rubble or rocks. The ground wasn't paved or repaid like other towns, it was clear there wasn't much care going into the roads. Brax Town must be putting its money and manpower into other activities than paving the trading route to and from the city. Traversing across the road while stumbling, made it harder to reach his destination. Combine that with the cold bleak weather, it only made the trip that much worse. Dagon had to tug his cloak and clothing closer and tighter as he approached the distant city, just so he wouldn't freeze his jewels off. As horrible as the walk to the city was, he knew it would have been worse without his sister. Even so, he shut his happiness and any emotions for his sister's help down, and made his way toward the major town in the area to get some answers and simple supplies. Daogn slowly came toward the town walls and gate. As he approached the weird object he saw slowly came into focus causing him to reach the shocking and stunning sight before him.

The opening gates were the same normal looking doors, with the same size and girth as many towns like this. However there were more details to the main gate that took Dagon aback as soon as he walked through and took in the sight before him. There were large long looming objects hanging over the entrance just beyond the gate, once you entered Brax Town. Those elongated shapes came into view as Dagon got closer, big enormous white bones hanging over the gate openings like a chandelier. Dagon couldn't help but look at the jagged stick like structures that hung over the outside of the gate. Dagon felt his stomach drop as he could only think of one creature... or person, that would make such bones, a giantess. Those were giantess bones draping the outskirts of the town like decorations or trophies. Something that wasn't here last time Dagon traveled to the town. The sigh of those white chalky beams lining above him made his stomach turn at the possibilities of who they belonged to.

Dagon buried the sick and disgusted feeling as he stepped into Brax Town. A pair of guards were standing at the wide open gates. Any attention Dagon thought he was gonna get from them, was nonexistent. The guards were so uncaring and nonchalant about Dagon entering the city, that he hardly had to say a word or two before he was let into the open city. He wasn't even checked for dangerous weapons. It was clear they were more concerned about other things. Dagon slowly walked beyond the gate and into the very bleak and bland town. The streets were nearly empty and the citizens were hardly out walking around. Dagon saw a few people on the side of the street eyeball him but soon turned away from him. It was like walking through a ghost town, there was little to no life or activity going on around him and it was startling.

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