A snack for Cindy

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Olivia couldn't believe what she was doing. She was sitting in the palm of a Giantess as they were heading after a group of Giantess to try and find Dagon.

"Are you sure they went this way," Cindy asked worried. They had been looking for a little while but it was getting more difficult with the lack of light.

"I... I saw her take him this way. That's all, I don't even know...if he's still-"

"Don't," Cindy sternly cut her off. "Don't say it, Dagon wouldn't let that happened. He wouldn't. He couldn't..." Cindy said trying not to think of what's happening to her brother as they spoke.

"Sorry Cindy," Olivia said realizing that she must be feeling scared for her brother.

Cindy paused and looked down at the tiny woman. "How do you know my name?"

Olivia looked shocked, "Oh, sorry. I never introduced myself I'm Olivia, your brother talked about you. Although..." Olivia tried to think of a nice way to say it.

"He never told you I'm a giantess," Cindy finished for her.


Cindy didn't say anything as they tried to find any trace of the other Giantess that were around here somewhere. Sadly, it was too dark to find anything so Cindy went to start a fire. Cindy sat down and held Olivia close as she tried to think of what to do next. She was all alone now and without her brother... she didn't want to think of it. She was left alone when her mom died and knew how cruel it could be for a Giantess not wanted by anyone. Cindy was too busy thinking about her brother that she didn't notice how hungry she was.

Olivia continued to sit in the palm of the Giantess as she sat there staring at the fire. Suddenly there was a loud growl behind her like a giant monster ready to attack her. Olivia shook in fear as she realized that there was a Giantess right behind her, and she was starving. This was stupid! What was she doing?! She was about to become dinner!

"Y-you, sound hungry," Olivia said trying to not sound as frightened as she was.

Cindy looked down at the little woman who had her back turned to her. Cindy rolled her eyes at how scared she was of her. Like she would eat her. However, Olivia was right, she was starving.

"I could use a snack," Cindy said. Olivia froze when she heard the hunger behind those words. Cindy did her best not to laugh as the princess trembled in fear. This was actually more fun than teasing Dagon. Leaning in closer to the princess she breathed on her, "You know I never had princess before."

Olivia felt the heat coming off of the Cindy's breathe. Yet even with that hot spike in temperature, she couldn't help but quiver in fear. She was shaking immensely and felt tears starting to form. "I-I-I'm sure, i-i-it's nothing special..." she barely whispered her response. Yet Cindy heard her.

"There's only one way to find out," Cindy spoke as she let her breath fill the space that Olivia occupied. "I'm sure if you taste half as good as you look, I won't be disappointed. What do you say princess?"

"Please don't..." Olivia said trying to sound strong but she heard herself.

Cindy got an exciting idea as she moved her head right above Olivia. Cindy inhaled through her nose so she was sniffing the princess. "Mmm you smell really good. I could just eat you up."

Olivia tried to hardest not to think about what was happening. She could feel the air around her being lifted up toward the Giantess and could feel her presence all around her. It was frightening as she felt like an insect. Cindy could swallower her whole or bite her in two. Those thoughts made her even more scared as she sat still waiting for the Giantess to make her next move. Cidny then dangled Olivia over her mouth. Olivia started to plead to spare her life

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