The GH attack

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You'll finally be seeing the black raider group in action. They finally started with their mission of ridding the world of giantess hope you enjoy it

Dagon was looking around the barren landscape. It had a lot less trees, ones that had already lost most of their green for the upcoming winter. There were still plenty of rocks and thick tree trunks for Cindy to use to hide behind if need be, but Dagon could already feel the chill in the air. It was amazing how much different this part of the land was to Hagger’s town.

“Jeez, I should have brought a coat,” Dagon muttered, shivering slightly.

“Oh poor you,” Cindy muttered. “At least a coat would fit you. What about me?”

Dagon rubbed his hands together and blew into them, something the two of them had been doing every so often to warm up.  “It’s just a few days. Besides the worst case scenario, we have to skin something for the two of us.”

Cindy scoffed, “Oh yeah? Let’s just go and find thirty or so wolves and just make a giant pelt out of them, I’m sure it would warm my legs at night…”

Dagon didn’t comment but he could tell that his sister had a point. Harvesting enough fur to make something for her would take a lot of time. Heck it never really dropped too cold around Hagger’s town, so they never bother making much clothing besides the small little loincloth and makeshift bra that covered Cindy’s private parts.

“Melody said she was coming up here for family, right? I don’t know how they stand it. I guess if there are Giantess around, maybe you could trade something for a giantess size blanket or clothing”

“Trade them with what,” Cindy asked, arching an eyebrow. Before Dagon could answer Cindy smirked, “I guess I could trade you. At least then you would be helping your sister out, by keeping me warm.”

Dagon gasped at her, “You wouldn’t.”

“I don’t know brother, let’s see how cold it gets tonight,” Cindy gave Dagon a playful grin.

Dagon shook his head at her words, “Well sounds like I better find a way to keep you warm so I’m not sold off for some stupid shirt.”

Dagon spotted a nice little grove etched into the side of one of the rocky mountians nearby. Well it wasn’t little to Dagon, it looked to be large enough for Cindy to crawl up against and lay down in. Dagon would have considered it a cave, but it wasn’t deep enough for shelter, and Cindy almost didn’t fit all the way inside. It would at least give Cindy protection against the winds coming in from three different directions. Hopefully it won't get too windy or cold tonight.

“God I already hate it up here,” Cindy muttered, shivering a little as she proceeded to sit down on the cold ground.

“Yeah no shit,” Dagon grumbled with just as much enthusiasm. “Why the hell would Melody want to travel up here anyway?  You think their family thing would be somewhere less cold!”

Cindy shrugged, “I don’t know, but this is the last time I’m coming up here to find her. Sorry brother, love you and everything, but this sucks. Next time you can do it all on your own.”

“Let’s start a fire before the sun goes down. I’ll have to find some sort of food, hopefully there’s something to eat around here.” Dagon headed off a little ways, climbing chunks of ground and rocks.  The bumpy surface of the region was annoying, but it did come with perks of hiding Cindy’s size. Dagon had to double check every once in a while to make sure a group of rocks were actually rocks and not a giantess hiding behind something.

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