Black raider 2

590 9 11

We are going to be learning about a thin fragile bone called the calf bone  located behind the knee the teacher said

According to scientists the calf none is like a hydraulic Jack which gives extra support and balance to the leg

So if the bone is broken the leg becomes unstable and probably collapsed 

so as a GH it is important to know how to take out the giantess calf bone 

Any question the teacher asked 

The class responded "no!!"

As you all know next week is promotional examination and those who fail will this time be kicked out of GH training camp because we are to many so we are using this medium to reduce participants 

"I hope I pass this exams I failed 3 times in a row " Judith said

"Am i the only one who hasn't failed any exam since I began,     ha".  Alexa said 

" ha ha . funny". Judith said

"Quit it guys.

This time we are using to argue we should use it to study for the upcoming exams " Maureen said 

"Yeah she's right , I have yo study so I can cripple you with my high score" Judith said

"Ha ha ,good luck, you can't even reach  half of my score and you say you will pass me how ironic" Alexa said

"Let's make it a bet to see who gets the height score" Alexa said

"Yeah let's do it, prepare to lose Alexa" Judith said

"What do you think Maureen" Judith said

"What ever" Maureen said

Get out my way

no you get out of my way 

They said as they exited the class

In the hostel both girls were studying hard so they will pass the exam and also each other.

They both fell asleep on their books

Both girl note

ent most of their hang time studying in preparation for the coming exams while Maureen just spent her time casually

It was 2 days before the exam and both girls were prepared for the exams 

They was usually no hang time between the three friends

Examination came and the two girls where confident on them self to pass the exam

Two weeks after the exam the result came out

The girls went to check their scores on the notice board

" I will be okay if I score of 170 in the  exam"

Alexa checked her name and her score was 470 out of 500

Judith score was 459 out of 500

"I told you you can't beat me" Alexa said

"Yeah sure, you only above me with 11 point" Judith said

"That means I win the bet"

"Yeah ok"

"What did you get Maureen" Judith said

"Let me check,..., it can't be" Maureen said

"What" Alexa said

"I got 298" Maureen said

"It can't be , how"

"I don't know"

(I Time elapsed I)

It was graduation day as the three girls had finish their training and where now being graduated to a certified GH

Chapter end note
Sorry for not posting in a long time so I wrote this chapter quickly

Tell me what you think

Thanks for stopping by and as always, thanks for reading

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