black raiders

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When the giantess attacked Luther town some group of people vow to take revenge for what had happened and for the lives of hundreds of people death

So they went into training on how to defeat and kill a giantess

They were ranks in the group

First rank being rookie

After 6 months of intense training

It teaches the rookies basic moves

Second rank being corporal after passing a test 

The test being able to hide or escape from a giantess

Many people fail this test on first trial

It takes an average of 4 years to pass the test but does who are willing and super hardworking get it a week after being ranked rookie

Third rank is specialist is gotten after 5 years of training they are trained advance move and when to apply them you are trained on how to fight a giantess from ground level by targeting the weak spots to immobilize or knockout the giantess 

Fourth rank is chizuto 

This rank is gotten after 6 months of training it teach the specialist how to defend an attack by the giantess and also counter 

Fifth rank is air rookie this rank are gotten after 1 years of training they are taught basic air attacks

Sixth rank is harken 

This takes the longest time of fifteen years .They are taught how to use super Garbler. A high strength grappling hook used to swing amongst the trees and they are also taught how to execute specialist moves in the air. They are also trained how to withstand high amounts of g_force caused when swinging from trees in high speed

Seventh rank is marshal. It is obtained after 1 year of training . they are given simulators on being a giantess hunter 

8th rank is the giantess hunters

This are given to marshals who are fit and determined to do their work

And they are now capable to defeat a giantess

It takes about 30 years of determination to become a giantess hunter

Over 70 percent of people who went into the institute either died , quit or got rejected 

So it's very hard to become a giantess hunter. But being a GH means you get respect and lots of money so you will always be fit a and ready to take down any giantess at any time

It has been 12 years since the attack

Napoleon is a 16 year old corporal who is determined to be a giantess hunter to get revenge for the death of his father 

Him and his sister Alexa enrolled into the institute he failed the cooper test 12 time within a 4 year period making his younger sister higher in rank than him

They were one of the first set to be trained

It was the first day of the month

Sarah woke up and went to meet his so both of them can prepare and head of class cause in Sarah's class they were to start week spot as the topic for that month and Sarah got prepared and so did Napoleon

Then Napoleon went to his own side of the class

Sarah entered class and went to meet her two best friends called Judith and Maureen

They were in their final year on that rank

"Hi girls i'm excited to start this months topic , how do you feel about it" Sarah said

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