the trap

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It was getting late and Cindy was waiting with a starving gut for Dagon to appear. She ate some berries a little while ago but it didn't fill her as much as she hopped. They never did. Cindy let out a tired sigh as she lay down in a small clearing. Dagon wasn't going to travel at night so Cindy decided she better get ready to sleep. Just as Cindy decided to close her eyes and get some rest, she heard Dagon call out for her. Groaning at the perfect timing, Cindy opened her eyes to see Dagon walking toward her.

“Just checking up on you, did you get something to eat,” Dagon asked her.

“Yeah I found a couple of deer,” Cindy said patting her stomach. Of course this was a lie. If she told Dagon she didn't he would go in search for something for her and she didn't want him to trouble himself with hunting for her at night.  

“Lucky, all we have is some bread and cheese.” Dagon sounded very disappointed about missing out on the food that didn't exist. Changing the topic Cindy asked her brother how far away they were. “We still a good 6 or so days to go.”

Cindy let out a tired sigh, “I forget how slow you all walk with your tiny little legs. I could have carried all of you there in like an hour.”

Dagon scoffed. “It would take you at least 5 days.”

“Whatever,” Cindy said rolling her eyes at him. “It's still faster.”

“I should head back before the sun goes down. Sleep well little sis,” Dagon said as he walked away.

“Sleep tight, little bro,” Cindy called out to him making him groan at her nickname for him. Cindy couldn't help giggle at his displeasure of his nickname. As soon as Dagon left Cindy's stomach let out a loud growl. Cindy winced in pain as her belly demanded food that she didn't have. “I promise I’ll get you something in the morning,” Cindy told her gut which seemed to calm it down. Closing her eyes Cindy drifted off to sleep dreaming of an endless supply of giant fish.

Dagon made it back to camp where the captain of the guard, Kevin, was sitting watch. The other guards were sleeping or trying to sleep. Dagon went over to his part of the camp near the fire and pulled out a piece of wood and a long dagger the size of his forearm. He started to chip away at the wood to make a shape. Very few knew about his hobby of whittling wooden flutes, but no one knew that he played them when he was alone and finished. Chipping away at the block of wood he started to round the block into a more smooth object. As he shaved off some wood he became more and more engrossed in what he was doing and less with his surroundings, picturing how he wanted the flute to look like and how much detail he wanted to put into it.

Dagon was so busy whittling that he was startled when he heard the princess speak. “What are you doing,” She sounded very interested. Dagon paused as he looked over to where the princess was sleeping. She was just slightly off to his side in a sleeping bag already wrapped up to go to sleep. She was watching him intently as if she were witnessing something magical.

“It's something I do to pass the time,” Dagon said as he chipped at it some more. There was a low growl somewhere off in the distance. This caused the princess to jump in fright at the monstrous noise. Dagon didn't even flinch as he kept carving. Olivia started to look around in fear. She never was scared of the dark but out here… it was a different story. It felt like something was watching her and waiting for her to go to sleep. Just as her panic was reaching it's peak Dagon spoke to her without taking his eyes off the piece of wood, “Don't worry princess, that wolf was miles away. Besides it wouldn't dare come this close to a camp.”

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