Journey up north

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“I still think we should have said goodbye,” Cindy complained as she walked through the heavily forested area dipping past the tree branches.

“And then what? Have Olivia and Nancy try to join us?” Dagon retorted at the idea. Nothing like having the people you care about making things more complicated than it needed to be. Dagon shook his head and sarcastically went on. “Yeah totally, let’s have the princess follow us into Giantess territory looking for GIANTESS. I’m soooo sure her dad would thank me for dragging his daughter with us. What could possibly go wrong,” Dagon put enough sass in that last part he felt like he might have just jinxed themselves.

Cindy huffed, “Well, when you put it like that fine, but I still feel bad not telling them-”

Dagon grumbled at his sister’s nagging and finally said, “Oh please, I’m not that dumb. I left a note.”

Cindy nearly stumbled at her brother's words, nearly getting caught up in a random root from the shock. “You what- when?”

“Well,” Dagon mulled over his answer for a brief moment, “I might have… kind of… been planning on leaving sooner than you thought.”

Cindy stopped in the dense forest as she turned to her brother sitting on her shoulder, “Excuse me…” She sounded upset and confused, “What do you mean, you were going to leave sooner than I thought?”

Dagon tried to do some recovery before the conversation got ugly. If Cindy looked any harder at Dagon he swore he would have combusted from the glare of heated look she bore at him. “Look, I got worried after the first week…. I was kind of planning on leaving like, I don’t know,” Dagon tried to draw out his answer but it only made Cindy madder. “Like, last week?”

Cindy looked stunned, “You were going to leave last week?!”

Dagon held up his hands, “Well I mean I didn’t! I was thinking about it, that’s all. It was just a thought that’s all.”

Cindy narrowed her eyes at her brother as she continued to glare at the idiot of a brother. “And you weren’t going to tell me when you left, were you?”

“Uh… ummm, no?” Dagon said feeling kind of guilty at the question and his lame response.

“Are you serious?!” Cindy complained as she continued to walk. “You were just going to leave me to try and look for-”

Dagon couldn’t help but argue with his sister, “I said I was thinking about it! I didn’t do it, it just crossed my mind.”

Cindy rolled her shoulders, causing Dagon to nearly fall off.  He had to quickly steady himself at her reaction, “Oh yeah, you were just thinking about it. Nothing like waking up and finding your brother gone cause he didn’t think I needed to know.”

Dagon shook his head, “I was gonna say something.”

Cindy shook her head as she dodged a low hanging branch, “Sure you were.” It looked like Cindy wasn’t as certain of his confession. “Just like how you told Olivia?”

“Okay, look,” Dagon quickly cut her off, “She’s already been through enough out here.” Dagon gestured to the woods. “You think she needed to come with us to help find Melody and Ashley?” Dagon paused as Cindy didn’t speak, “Let’s be honest,” Dagon spoke sounding harsher than he should have been, “What would Olivia, or hell even Nancy, even help with? Huh? Do they know how to travel out here in the wild? Do they know what food is poisonous? Do you think they know how to avoid Giantess in Giantess territory? Can they hunt?” What good was it to bring those two with them? Dagon knew he was right. Yet Cindy still seemed uncertain.

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