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Kevin ran as the Giantesses captured his troops or worse, eaten them. He didn't know where he was going but he managed to get away. He ran as far as he could until he came across the road to travel between cities, where he thought he was safe. That was until he heard the Giantesses heading his way. He remained as silent as possible behind a tree until he knew that he was safe. That was when he noticed them heading toward a small clearing where they must have set up camp. It was getting dark out and they must have headed back to get some sleep.

Not wanting to end up like the rest of his squad mates, Kevin decided to head back on the long journey home. He might just be lucky enough to survive and tell the King what transpired. Taking a deep breath to steady his beating heart, Kevin headed off away from where the Giantesses were heading. Saying a silent pray for his troops, Kevin headed off in the night to go back home. As Kevin entered a clearing void of trees, Kevin could barely see his surroundings in the dark. Spotting what he thought was the road, Kevin quickly ran to the road for safety. It was no surprise that Kevin didn't notice the pit in front of him until he went tumbling in. Knocked out from the impact of the fall, Kevin remained in the pit waiting for help...

Melody was frustrated. She spent what felt like hours searching for that little bitch, but couldn't find her anywhere. That being said, she did however find a few of the other men. She found one while looking for the girl. He had perfect timing, as Melody was starting to get really hungry and was afraid she would have to eat her precious prize she caught. As soon as the man in shiny metal came around a tree, Melody snatched him up and practically shoved him down her throat before he could even scream. That being said, she didn't enjoy the metal scraping her throat as he slid down into her empty gullet, but it was a small price to pay.

"Your friend tasted delicious," Melody teased. Melody waited for an outburst or some rude remark but the man said nothing. In fact, he didn't show much emotion over what she did. This only made her that more interested in him. She never met anyone like him before. Wondering how he might react when she gobbled up that sweet looking girl, Melody continued her search now with a tingling sensation in her stomach and between her legs.

It was starting to become dark and Melody didn't find that woman. Angry at the little tramp that got away, Melody headed back to their camp with one extra man. She now had two men captured and one already being worked on by her belly. Melody tried to keep him kicking as long as possible, but when you're on an empty stomach they don't tend to last very long. It wasn't even 30 minutes after swallowing him did he let out a high pitch scream and a clawing sensation on the inside of her stomach. Melody's stomach acids made quick work of him and his shiny armor, which will soon not be very shiny anymore. Making her way back to camp she ran into Ginger and Cathy. They were on their way back for the night.

Ginger was holding onto one man tightly as he tried to break free of her grasp. Melody asked how her hunt went and found out that Ginger caught as many as she did. She already devoured two of them and was saving the third. Cathy let out a loud burp and laughed.

"Guess how many I got," Cathy smirked. Melody looked at her and saw that she had one in each hand.

"4," Ginger guessed.

"Nope, 6!" Cathy let out another burp which Melody could smell from where she was. It definitely smelled like she engorged herself on a lot of meat. "These two are going to enjoy their next couple of hours with me," Cathy said as she licked one who started to try and wiggle out of her hand. Melody took another look at Cathy and saw that her rather large gut was even larger and extend from her meal. Looking a little closer she could see her stomach wiggling a little. Some of her meal was still alive.

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