back to camp

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Cindy came around a cluster of trees to find that there were only the remains of a campfire but no sign of who made it. Cindy got close to the charcoal and saw how large the fire was. This had to be where the Giantess slept last night. Cindy set down Olivia, "Stay close." Cindy looked around to see if there were any signs of her brother or the other Giantess. She didn't see anything that was useful. After looking for a while Cindy found that any hope for looking for traces of where they went or what happened were useless.

"Over here," Olivia called out to Cindy. Cindy headed over and saw that there was something etched into the root of a tree but it was too small for her to make out. "It's from Dagon," Olivia told her. "He says that he's ok and that he's being taken back to the Melody's home. Whose Melody?"

"It has to be the Giantess that captured him. We need to hurry. If they are heading to where I think they are, Dagon won't be safe."

Dagon sat on top of Melody's shoulder as they traveled toward their destination. Every once and a while he would catch Cathy eyeing him. He couldn't shake the feeling that if they were alone together again he wouldn't last more than a few moments. Fortunately, he didn't plan to be anywhere near her by himself. There wasn't much conversation between the Giantess. They talked a little about the meal they ate last night or the pleasurable experience they all had. Each one of them seemed to try and get a rise out of Dagon, but he knew better than to react to them. The last thing he needed was to give any of them a reason to have a little snack on the way back home.

Although Dagon looked like he was fine with his predicament, that didn't mean he was. He was always looking for the right opportunity to get out of this situation. He couldn't exactly jump down from this height and live. Also he couldn't attack Melody with his small blades he had, she would swat him off her shoulder in a blink of an eye. There was nothing he could, at least for now.

As they continued on their way, he started to realize where they were heading exactly. Although Giantess tend to live alone most times, they do have certain areas that Giantess gather every once in a while. These areas are usually meant for trading or gathering a small group to go on a hunt. Hopefully his sister saw his message and knew where they were heading. It shouldn't take her more than a day to catch up, then he and she could make plans to escape.

As they made their way toward the familiar grounds, Dagon recognized the area. It hadn't changed much since the last time he saw it, which was about 15 or so years ago. Melody, Cathy, and Ginger step out from the woods into a clearing large enough to have several large huts to hold some of the Giantess staying here. There were several areas for fires and at least 10 Giantess around the area as they walked around either talking with other Giantess or carrying small animals caught to be prepared for food. Dagon noticed that off to the side was a makeshift basket weaved from branches that had to hold captured people.

"I'm going to see if there is an open hut available," Ginger said as she headed off to check for a place to stay. Melody nodded and went to a large fire that was burning strong. There were 2 Giantess already there cooking a meal for themselves. Dagon was about to say something when Melody grabbed him off her shoulder and brought him toward her chest. She shoved Dagon in-between her breast until shoulder and up were sticking out. Then she tightened her cloth that held her breast. She made sure that Dagon was snug and unable to move.

"Just in case," She said as she sat down next to the fire and waited for Ginger to return. Dagon did his best to try and move but found that it was impossible. The pressure from her meat orbs kept him tight and compacted between her breast. Dagon could feel her breathe, and every breath she took tightened her grip on him. When Melody breathed, Dagon had to exhale or his chest would be crushed from Melody's expanding breast. It was similar like last night when he was between Melody's legs, only this time Dagon had fresh air.

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