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As we all were seated, Special Agent Carter began making himself comfortable in the sofa and cleared his throat. Slowly he explained what happened the past few days, that my boyfriend Martin disappeared, that it was probably one of Jason's friends, Ric's death...

The kid looked a little scared and Jason still seemed nervous. Timon answered that he heard about this case in the news on the radio and watched a report about it on TV. Also Melanie, who was actually his sister and not his wife or girlfriend, agreed, that she read about it in a newspaper and saw it on TV with Timon.

But they didn't know anything else. They haven't seen Martin in the past few days or even knew him, they didn't really know Jason very good or one of his friends, that man I forgot the name of, Aaron, his girlfriend Nina, the doctor from the hospital with the note, Roxy or that psycho Ric. They haven't met Myra or me eighter. They couldn't help us. They didn't know where Martin was or what happened to him. They knew nothing.

I sighed. This was pointless. We will never solve this case and find Martin again. I felt hopeless. I knew it was only a few days, but I just had that feeling and worried so much. Sighing again, I stood up and went to the bathroom. Looking in the mirrow I remembered the missing marks on my neck when Ric tried to kill me.

Did that really not happen? Was this all in my head? I took a deep breath and washed my hands. When I looked back at the mirror I saw the reflection of Ric. Smiling and standing right behind me. I screamed and quickly turned around but then he was gone. Was this just an illusion?

He was dead, right? He was not here. He couldn't hurt me. I had to calm down. Heavily breathing I propped my hands at the sink and waited for a few seconds. Did the others hear my scream?

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