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Officer Fabian, Salinda and I entered, got offered to sit down in the living room and Nina asked if we wanted something to drink. Salinda took a fruit tea, Fabian a coffee and I just wanted a glas of water. Nina actually was very pretty. Long brown hair, blue eyes. Also Aaron was quite handsome with his short brown hair and his gray eyes. They fitted together very good. I kinda admired them.

They sat down with a coffee and a glas of water next to us on the sofa while we sat on the other sofa and Fabian sat in a chair. Between us was just a blue wooden table. Officer Fabian kinda hasitated to start the questioning which irritated me a little but then he asked if they knew Martin and if they saw him, which relationship they had to Jason and if they knew what happend a few days ago.

They answered where they were as Martin disappeared and if they knew me. I never saw them before, how could they know me? But they denied anyway. Aaron and Nina knew nothing. Just like the man before. I didn't even remember his name. He was so normal. I wondered why Jason had such normal friends. I thought they would be somehow special like him. I mean, I was with him in a relationship, so he was special. Also Aaron and Nina were really handsome and beautiful, I guess they were not normal eighter but they didn't knew anything, they couldn't help us find Martin. I sighed and Salinda did too. We finished our drinks, said good bye and went outside.

Then I realised how hungry I was and we agreed to eat at a little restaurant near by. We ate doner and officer Salinda took a wrap. They were cheap and very good.

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