Chapter Twenty-Eight: Smile for Me

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"Nyla answer the damn phone

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"Nyla answer the damn phone."
Trell paced back and forth as he continued to sent to voice mail by Nyla.

Hanging up he called Majesty.
"What the fuck did you say to her last night?"
He yelled angrily through the phone.

Majesty sighed before speaking.
"Man what? I didn't say anything to Nyla. She just said she hated me and drove off."
Majesty said simply.

"You didn't apologize-- nothing? She not answering nobodies calls! Man you so fucking wrong."
Trell hung up and Nyla's number popped up in his phone-- he hurried to text her back.

Stop blowing me up😂

Well answer the damn phone.

I don't want to talk obviously

Please talk to me, everyone is worried about you Nyla. Where the hell you even at?

North Carolina, I'm fine. Tell everyone that.

What you doing 10 hours away anyways. Call me.

I needed to get away before I killed some one or hurt myself. I'll call only if you promisd to stop blowing me up.

I promise

In coming Facetime

Her face popped up and Trell found himself letting out a sigh of relief.
Finally hearing her voice calmed him down slightly. But it still didn't sit right with how she just up and left.

"You told me to call you and you don't even say hello to me?"
Nyla smirked at him through the phone.

"Why you just take off like that?"
He questioned her and she sighed.

"I told you I needed to get away--"

"Yeah but you could have told me that. You could've given somebody a heads up."
She rolled her eyes. She didn't want anybody knowing where she was, that was the point of her getting away. Tired of the stares and whispers about her assualt and Majesty's infidelity. Sick and tired.

"I told my mom and dad, that was good enough."
Trell eyed her, just noticing her wild hair framing her face. She actually looked relaxed for the first time in almost 3 months.

"I'm just trying to make sure you good okay? You know I'm here for you right?"

"Yes I know Trell."
She smiled a bit, happy that she actually had someone.

"How long you staying up there?"

"Until I'm ready to come back down. I don't know how negative home is now. Everyone thinks that they know me and everything that happened to me that night. People thinking I'm lying for attention-- Majesty. Dont even get me started."
She rolled her eyes again-- hoping keep them from watering. She was so tired of crying. She was done with Majesty.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2020 ⏰

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