Anger (pt 3)

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Erica's Pov

There was this- this voice in my head. It told me to do horrible things, and if I refused it threatened to hurt the ones I loved most. 

They made me join Joshua and hurt my family. They threatened to kill Ben if I did not do their dirty work. Now I was one of their last loose ends. They would have to kill me. I wanted to tell Ben but the voice screamed in my ear. It was a deep voice. A scary voice. A creepy voice.

A little while ago I was captured by SPYDER. They took me to some room but before I could take too many of the details in, they chloroformed me. When I came to someone was talking. My ear and head ached like crazy. I looked around but could not find the person who was talking. That's when I found out that they had inserted a speaker chip thing into my ear. Kind of like a headpiece, but unremovable unless you perform some type of surgery. They put something in my water which made me groggy and unable to see straight. Then they put me in a place they were sure Ben and Cyrus would find me. 

Once I was with them they made me do all sorts of things. And the punishment, if I failed to do anything, was death to Ben and my family. They made me break up with the person I loved most. Leave my wounded mother to fend for herself. They made me join SPYDER and watch Ben get beaten up.

 They are horrible. 

I tried to tell my family so at least they would know why I was acting like this, but every time the voice screamed threats in my ear, so loud I was afraid my eardrums would burst. 

Was I going mad? Last time I rolled around the floor trying to block out the sound. Even if I did manage to get earplugs and put them in my ears they would not help anything. 

The voice was in my head.

After a little while, I finally found a loophole.

They could hear what I was doing, but they could not see me right? I quickly patted myself down making sure that I have no bugs or cameras of some sort on me. Once I was sure I did not, I looked around my cell. It had a cold concrete floor, solid walls behind me, and bars at the front. A typical jail cell. I looked around for anything I could use. I eyed the water they had given me. I stuck my finger into it and wrote on the wall, 'Can I please have paper'

I only had so much water and they do not refill it a lot. Mostly only my mom does but if she is busy no one else does. I needed something that won't run out. Like paper. Besides I needed my water anyway.

The guards read what I had written. One of them left the room, most likely to ask Cyrus. 

To my surprise, it was Ben who walked in.

"She askes for paper," A guard informed Ben

"What for?"

"She won't talk."

"Does she need a pencil?" Ben asked

I looked at him and nodded

His face screwed up as if he was thinking. Finally, he gave me a piece of paper and a dull piece of charcoal to write with.

Then I told him. 

I wrote everything down on that tiny piece of paper, filling it front and back.

I gently pushed it out through the cage cell where Ben picked it up, gloves protecting his hand. He read it and his eyes grew big. He was surprised. He took one look at me and then walked out of the room, paper still in his hands.

I listened closely and heard him talking to Cyrus.

"It all makes sense!" He cried

"But what if it is a trap?" Cyrus said

"How about we give her an X-ray. If we find the bug we know she is telling the truth." Ben said

"And if not?" Cyrus asked

"We leave her to rot in the cell," Ben said his voice slightly wavering.

Cyrus then left to go tell Catherine and Ben to prepare the X-ray machine.

I kept still not wanting to look dangerous.

A guard cuffed my hands and legs and carried me to a small room. Ben stood there fully geared up, ready for anything.

The guard placed me on the X-ray machine and I heard it scan me. Ben gasped.

"It's there! Look!" 

Cyrus ran into the room Catherine right behind him.

Catherine started crying.

Ben lowed his voice.

"They can hear us. Be quiet I know how we can remove it."

They gave me some water with some kind of powder inside of it. I drank it and immediately fell asleep.

Ben's Pov

I brought Erica to the surgery room. I did not know how to perform the surgery so I just watched. After a while, they pulled out a bloody piece of wire. The piece looked very complicated. I picked it up and smashed it until you could not even tell what it once was. Then I threw it into the garbage.

After a few hours, Erica woke up.

Erica's Pov

I woke up my head and ear sore. I felt a sense of deja-vu. I saw Ben peering at me closely. My mom was in the corner, tears running down her face.

"Erica?" Ben said softly

"Ben!" I cried. "I love you," I told him 

The voice in my head was gone. But I was still worried. Could Ben forgive me?

He looked at me tears flowing down his face. 

"I love you two, Erica."

This is going to be the last chapter in his 'Anger' series.

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