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Ben's POV 

"Ben you have been trying for three years now! You have tried everything possible, but she still won't have a relationship with you." 

All of a sudden, Mike's face lit up, "Erica's not good with emotions, right? So she doesn't know that you don't actually like Zoe. And so, all we have to do is make her jealous, and get her to admit that she likes you!"

"Mike, no. I don't want to take advantage of her emotions like that." I really didn't like this plan, "Plus what if Zoe is not okay wit-" 

"Done!" he said, showing me his phone. 

Mike: We r going to get Erica jealous by making her think Ben and you are dating!

Zoe🥰: Umm, ok!

Ooh, yes! Perfect blackmail material.

"Mike, how do you explain the emoji next to Zoe's  name?" He blushed, but then changed the topic. 

"Anyway,  she wants to do it. Come on Ben! Isn't this what you want?" 

I sighed and said, "I guess."

*The next day* 

Zoe's POV

Ben and I walked in holding hands. A few months ago, I would have been excited as heck, but now I liked Mike. I saw Erica shoot a dirty glare at me, and I just smirked back.

Erica's POV

 As I looked over at Ben and Zoe, I was surprised. I actually felt an emotion. I was jelly. This was weird as even though I might have small feelings for Ben, I have been trained by Cyrus not to let emotions breach my ice walls. I decided I would confront Ben later. All of this emotion made me lose my appetite. I was mad at Ben and stormed out of the mess.

*time skip* 

Ben's POV

I was in my room in the bathroom, and when I came out, Erica was on my bed. 

"You really need to put more locks it's really easy to pick." 

Erica's POV

The truth was, I did not want Ben to be with Zoe. What is a good excuse to get him to have to break up with her? Hmm...How about this? 

"Ben I can't allow you to have feelings for Zoe. It could complicate missions in the future." Perfect. 

 I saw something in Ben's eyes that I had never seen before. Anger. All of a sudden without warning he said, 

"Why do you care!" I told him that he was a very important part of the team. He just seemed to get angrier and said, "The team that helps thwart SPYDER on missions? Because that is the same mission that you would sacrifice me for!" 

"Fine then," I said coldly, "Be that way. And Ben, I suggest you delete my phone number and never talk to me again." I then stormed out of his room leaving him to his own thoughts. I immediately felt bad, but then reminded myself that he was the one who shouted first. But then I got worried. I knew that Ben was head over heels with me, and the one who always defended me even when I manipulated him into dangerous situations. Looking back, I don't remember a time when he ever got mad at anyone. I thought of things I could do in this situation and called mom. 

Ben's POV

I had finally done it. I had snapped out at Erica. I am surprised that she did not fight me. I was an emotional mess right now and thought of someone I could call. Catherine picked up after about ten minutes. 

"Hello, Benjamin," 

 Catherine's POV

 I was surprised when Erica called me and asked to talk to Benjamin. I was always the one who made her tell me the latest news about their relationship. I talked to her and kept getting phone rings from him too. Erica explained what happened, and then Ben did the same when I talked to him. I was shocked that he had gone as far as to shout at Erica considering the fact that he, well you know.  He did have a point though and once I heard his perspective, I told him about all the times I had talked about him with Erica and told him that she would never sacrifice him for the mission because...

 Ben's POV 

And that is when Catherine said something that shocked me. 

"She has a-what do you kids call it? Ah yes, she has a crush on you Benjamin." I was very excited but then very sad. What had I done? Knowing Erica, she might never forgive me. 

Word count (not including this), 803

This one-shot switches POV's a lot and I had trouble editing it, so I'll try editing it a bit later.


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