Run (Part 1)

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Ben's POV

I was walking in what seemed to be an endless forest. Where was everyone? I looked up and could not see the top of the trees. They were so tall. The dirt felt cool against my bare feet. I shivered as a felt breeze. My clothes were ripped and my pants torn to pieces. My hands were muddy and my face filthy. I have been walked for days. The question once again came to my head. Where was everyone?

Just then I heard a twig snap. I ran towards a thick tree and hid behind it. An arrow came flying at me barely missing my ear.

"I see him! He is right there." I deep voice yelled

"Go get him!" Another voice ordered

A dozen more arrows came flying at me. I heard people stomping towards me. I ran. I was very fast and agile after years of practicing with Erica. I sprinted until I could barely hear them. Then I started to climb up an oak tree right next to me.

My feet were throbbing by now as my hands had too many splinters to count. I sensed a branch scrape my arm and felt blood gush out. I ignored the pain and kept climbing. I climbed until I had almost reached the top. Then I sat on a sturdy branch and started to assess my wounds.

I had little scrapes to huge scares. I wished I hadn't lost my first aid kit, as I could really use it right now.

After a few minutes, I heard the people come by. I watched them closely but from as far up as I was, I could not make out anything more than that it was at least thirty people, all armed with weapons.

Then I saw a certain man I recognized. His hand reflected the sun just a little. It was made of metal. 

Joshua Halal.

I refrained myself from jumping down the tree and killing him with my bare hands. He was pure evil. After what he did to Erica.

At least now I knew for sure that it was SPYDER chasing me. Not that I doubted it. I was just a touch confused about why they used arrows instead of guns. Not that it mattered anyway.

After they were long gone I planned my way out of here. Who knows what else was waiting for me in these woods.

I climbed up higher and I could see a vase river not too far from me. If I followed it, it would probably lead me to a town, where I could most likely get some help. But what if there were SPYDER people there? I looked at my arm which was still bleeding and thought to myself that I had no choice. I waited a few more minutes to ensure no one was lingering around waiting for me to come out of my hiding spot. After about five minutes I slowly made my way down. 

My feet throbbed with every step I took. But I kept running until I saw the river.

I started walking alongside the river. For some reason felt as though I was being watched. Without hesitating I jumped into the water and held my breath. I could hold my breath for a very long time. I swam to the bottom of the river and then I let the current take me to hopefully some type of civilization.

When I had to come up for air I did it very fast. And every time I felt like someone was watching me. Finally gathered up my strength and stayed above water, looking for the person.

I saw someone mostly covered by trees, but I could just make out their brown messy hair and determined eyes.

"Mike?" I said

Sorry everyone for the delayed update. I think most of our members were just busy with the holidays and stuff. To make it up I will publish part 2 tomorrow, most likely. While you are waiting why don't you guess who wrote this! :D

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