
744 4 27

By: Lotsofunyeah

This chapter is a little dark and not innocent.

(Ben p.o.v.)

"Ben please. I'm begging!" Erica said. First time Erica Hale was begging for her life. Probably the last. " Ben! I know I didn't treat you well. I know I didn't give you all the respect and that I just used you at times. I...if you don't kill me, I promise I will change FULLY" Erica then whispered "I showed you my love"

Joshua was standing next to me. 

Joshua earlier offered me another chance to join him. He started a new smarter organization. Blackbird.

Joshua gave me a list of 100 reasons Erica wasn't right for me. He wrote each statement 3 times in his handwriting. Then, he also gave me 100 reasons I should switch. Each statement written 3 times with his bare hand and metal arm. He then gave me a list of 100 pros to joining him and 100 reasons to betray the CIA and Erica, each sentence written 3 times. 

He finally convinced me to join him. But, back then I was planning on just being a double agent. I told Erica my plan and she thought it was good.

I accepted the offer and decided to be a double agent. Then, I finally gave into the evil. It was easy and a good way to get money. Joshua was proud of me. I figured being evil actually wasn't bad. 

Until today. 

Erica Hale was tied up in front of me. I had to kill her. It was my evil mission. We needed Erica Hale gone from the world to proceed what we have to do.

Erica was crying. "Ben, you believed in me. I finally gave trust in you and look where we are now. You holding a gun towards me. I bet if you shoot your gonna miss" Erica said. "We are in the exact situation I didn't want to be in. You can't kill me"

"Why" I managed to say coldly.

"Cause you've always sucked at using guns. Also, you still care for me. That is the emotion stopping you from killing me. You stopped midway pulling the trigger but you couldn't push it down" Erica smirked.

"Don't make me, I know I can kill you" I sternly said. 

"Well I was bound to die sometime. Go ahead kill me. There is nothing I can do" Erica said. "But, there is something you can do for me"

"Why would dear Ben do a favor for you. He's on my side" Joshua laughed. I didn't want to pull the trigger but I had to.

I kept a stone face on holding back the tears that wanted to fall out of my eyes. "Hale, any...any last words" I asked with cold venom in my voice.

Erica nodded. "I want both of you to go die and go to hell. You both deserve to die." Erica said a tear dripping down her face. "Especially you Ben"

I froze again. I broke her. I'm a monster. There's no turning back now.

"Come one Ben. Just shoot her" Joshua begged/demanded.

"" I stuttered like Paul Lee.

Erica smiled at me. Her beautiful smile. "See you stuttered a lot cause you still care for me. That is proof" Erica said. "Now, drop the gun and all will be good"

"KILL HER!!" Joshua yelled. "NOW"

Erica yelled over Joshua. " NO BEN!!!!!! I KNOW DEEP IN YOUR HEART YOU DONT WANT TO KILL ME!!!! Please Ben" Erica finished with whispering.

"DO It" Joshua yelled again.

I dropped my gun as it clattered on the floor. Erica sighed in relief. "I...I'm sorry Erica" I said. I hugged her but then her eyes went as wide as dinner plates. I don't know until I felt Joshua stick something in me.

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