Run (Mike's Pov)

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Mike's Pov

I ran as fast as I could. 

"I'll hold them off you go. There's a river up ahead. I'll meet you there," Erica told me quickly

Then she stopped running and turned to face the enemies. I protested but as we all know Erica's very stubborn. 

After a few minutes, I heard an ear-piercing scream. Erica's.

Erica is captured, we have long lost Zoe, and Ben and Cyrus have disappeared.

I was on my own.

I still had a backpack full of some food and first aid. I made sure to keep them safe.

I ran for as long as I could. By the time I let myself rest, I could not feel my legs. My shoes, well I don't even think they could be called shoes anymore. More like tiny pieces of rubber stuck on my foot. They protected my feet just barely. 

Better than nothing, I thought to myself.

I gave myself some time to catch my breath, but I did not dare to drink any of my water. Who knows how long I will be in the forest? For hours I looked for the river Erica had told me about. 

It was getting very dark so I decided to climb a tree and see if I could spot it before it gets too dark. 

I picked an easy looking tree and scrambled up it. When I reached the top I saw the river. But it was still very far away.

I slid down the tree and started walked in the direction. Then I heard a noise. It was far away, but not far enough for me to feel safe.

I quickly took cover. I found myself a nice hiding spot and listened closely. I heard shouts and the distance and then a group of people running.

Even though I knew it was dumb, I had to check it out. After all, it could be Ben and Cyrus.

I stayed low, covered by trees and bushes. When I got pretty close I made sure I was well hidden. I could see people in the distance running as if they were chasing after someone. 

I then heard a small rustle in a tree not too far from me. 

I looked closely and for a second, though it was Ben.

I was about to go up to him but then reconsidered it.

SPYDER was tricky. Maybe it was just a Ben look-alike sent to find me. 

I stayed in my spot, watching him carefully. He was a boy, I was sure of that. I watched him climb down the tree after a little, and then walk south. That's where I was going as well. Did he know about the river?

My curiosity got the better of me and I followed him. After a while, we made it to the river. He walked alongside it for a little, me still hidden in the trees.

 He sure did look a lot like Ben.

Suddenly I heard something. I looked in front of me and saw a huge snake. It was red and black, but its head was white.

I took a step back and stepped on a leaf.

Of course, it had to be one of those really loud crunchy leaves.

Ben heard me and immediately jumped in the water. I wanted to stay and wait for Erica, but I really wanted to see what this Ben look-alike was doing. I watched him for a little, swimming and then take a breath of air, and almost immediately going back down underwater.

After like the 20th breath he decided to stay above water. He looked around for a little and then met my eyes. My first reaction was to hide, but his eyes were just too much like Ben's.

He was the one who confirmed that it was him.

"Mike?" He said softly

At that very moment a snake, maybe the same one, or maybe a totally different one decided to take a bite out of me.

I remembered searing pain and then I fell backward. The world turned red. Then black. Then...  nothing.

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