Zen to Zike (BERICA pt 1)

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There all the same age in this one-shot. (17)

Zoe's pov:
I started dating Ben after our last mission in Britain. No, we haven't kissed yet, but I plan to. Mike has been acting weird around me and Ben and I don't know why. I hope he's not mad.

Erica has been fake flirting with Mike, but Ben always looks down, he does that when it's happening. Ben and Mike have been going to the gym and now have six-packs! I always blush near them. 

"Earth to Zoe," Mike snapped in a cute way. He's so cute when he does that. What! No, you like Ben.

Erica's pov:
We were in Ben's room playing would you rather, extreme edition. It's the same thing but with a different name, I think.

I wish Ben didn't date Zoe, she's so annoying when she's near Ben. Suddenly, Mike stood up and poured water all over his shirt, so he took off his shirt. I immediately blushed and looked down,  Zoe saw me and matched me with a strong blush. I could see Mike's jealousy strike so he took off his shirt, Ben looked mad when Zoe's eyes flashed to Mike.  

"Zoe can we talk," he paused "alone?" They left the room but I was able to hear them, I don't think they knew. 

"Zoe what the heck?!" he yelled. Insecure Ben

"What did I do?!" she yelled back. 

" You know exactly what you did, now if you gonna be like this, we're over!" he half cried half screamed. 

The fight made such a racket that the entire school heard it and went outside their dorms to see what was going on. 

Ben ran back in, tears threatening to spill out of his eyes. Mike then slipped out of the room, leaving us alone, I couldn't go outside because then everyone would know I was in his room so I guess I'll have to stay with him. Alone. With no one around but him.  I blushed a pink tint at the thought. Then Ben spoke quietly and said...

Cliff hanger let's go

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