Wedding Day (pt 2)

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Erica's POV

I held hands with Dad. I didn't need any blush as my cheeks had always a natural light pink tint to them. 

I felt a wave of emotion wash over me. Excitement. Nervousness. And about a gazillion more! 

Ben was waiting for me, handsome as ever. His hair was neatly combed and he had a huge smile on his face. Just seeing him made me grin. 

I took my place beside him. Grandad, our officiant, stood in front of us and said his speech.

"Folks, we are gathered here for a wedding. This is apparently one of the most important things-- nope, this is too long. I'm not doing this--"

I gave Grandad a slight glare that only he could see. He rolled his eyes and mouthed out a 'fine'.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to share with Erica and Ben a very important moment in their lives. In the years they have been together, their love and understanding of each other have grown and matured, and now they have decided to live their lives together as husband and wife."

The crowd applauded.

Grandad then looked at Ben and me.

"Do you, Ripley, take Buttercup to be your lawful wedded wife, promise to love, honour, cherish and be faithful to her through sickness and adversity, as well as health and prosperity, forsaking all others, so long as you both shall live?" he said.

Ben looked at me. His eyes shone. Then he said, loud and clear,

"I do." 

"Okay," Cyrus said, "Then do you, Erica, take Ripley to be your lawful husband, promise to love, honor, cherish and be faithful to him through sickness and adversity, as well as health and prosperity, forsaking all others, so long as you both shall live?"

I couldn't do it anymore, a single teardrop slid down my cheek. I looked into Ben's eyes and said it.

"I do!" I said happily.

I heard some people in the audience cry and laugh and clap.

"Then I pronounce you two, Mr. and Mrs. Ripley-Hale!" Cyrus said.

We were married. Officially married!

Since we still wanted to keep the legacy running and didn't want t do things the traditional way, Ben and I decided that our official last name would be Ripley-Hale. Thus, we both still had our last names. So maybe in the foreseeable future, our kid's name would be ____ Hale-Ripley.

After a long day, Ben and I went home. We had a perfect apartment. The only problem was it had only one bed. Well, come to think of it, that was not a problem at all.

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