I'll hurt you back (pt 1)

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Erica's POV:

I faced up the stairs heading to Mike's dorm to show Ben what it feels like, he made out with  Zoe. I had wanted Ben to kiss me not stupid Zoe. I barged into Mike's dorm and he gave me a look then realized what was going to happen. 

"No... no Erica, don't do it."

"Why Ben kissed Zoe!"

"Well I am his best friend, stop it!"

"He hurt you too.. no?"

"Erica... he warned."

Since when had I listened to boys, I thought. I was so mad and when I was made, I did crazy things. I took a deep breath and kissed him. I felt nothing though it only made me feel worse, but I kept going. I wore a dark lip gloss so it would show up and Ben would see. Mike pulled away though pretty fast though.

What have I done? Ben will never forgive me, now. I thought to myself madly

Then I started to have a fight with myself inwardly.

What have I done?!

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