Chapter Fifty Six

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                                  Kyle's P.O.V
                              One week ago

   "Well this should be interesting." I think to myself. According to the testimony of thirteen individuals we've interrogated, the queen is also involved. A stupid as it seems, though- the testimony's alone aren't enough. What we're looking for has been referred to as a dungeon in all of those testimonies.

  We know the Princess was involved- there's one hundred percent undeniable evidence from the body cams. But the queen? Her being involved could be considered an act of war, or according to British government officials- worse.

  The queen is immune to all laws in her own country. She could stab somebody to death with a a sword, and nothing would come of it. Kidnapping a world leader, however- or an immediate family member of a world leader, is a violation of international law. There are two things that could happen here:

  The British royal family ceases to exists. The billions of taxpayer dollars that go to the British royal family each year could be relocated to something that actually matters, or the queen's son could ascend the throne.

He seems like a half decent person. He abdicated the day he turned eighteen- citing the unrealistic standards the royal family's always been held to in a public speech. He's not wrong- they've been expected, since the very beginning of the British monarchy- to be perfect.

I feel bad for him, being born into a family like that- but just like King Joseph, he'll have a choice here. I walk into command opps, and everybody stands up. You think they would've learned by now that they don't have to do that with me. "Mr.President, at your call  I can tell the palace guards to stand down and let the ground teams in." The British prime minister says.

"Get Agent Hess on the line-" I tell one of the aides. "She heads one of them, I'd like to speak to her first."

It takes her about ten seconds to pick up the FaceTime call. "Mr.President, as far as we know everything's in place for the sweep to go smoothly, but like always, we are prepared for the worst."

This could be a life or death situation for them if even one of the palace guards refuses to follow the prime minister's orders. Of course, they knew what they were signing up for, but still. Putting people's lives in danger is something that I'll never get used to. I sit down, facing the screen again as I open my mouth to respond. At this table, almost all of the decisions that need to be made quickly are made. It sits in the middle of command opps in front of large screens that constantly display different stats, and off to the side- our hackers and intelligence officials have their desks. My chair sits at the end of the glass table, it being able to seat up to fifty. Normally, though- it's generals for different branches of the military, White House aides and advisors, our hackers, investigators, intelligence gatherers, world leaders, the Vice President, the Secretary of State.

It's very rare than anybody who doesn't fall under one of those categories sits at the table- so sitting at the head of it, all eyes are on you, waiting on that final word after you've been advised by the smartest and most experienced people this country has to offer. "Do you personally have any gut feeling telling you not to go in there?" I ask agent Hess.

"No sir." She replies.

"Very well then-" I sit back, my gaze shifting between her and those sitting at the table. "Proceed as planned."

—-Agent Hess's P.O.V—-

  "Of course, Mr.President." I end the call, fully aware that they'll still be able to listen in through the body cams. Getting the British government to agree to the arrest of their queen took lots of convincing, but with where we stand now, they've agreed to send their military in with us. They haven't been informed that we're about to just show up, but they also aren't stupid. Her daughter is dead and she deserved every bit of it. They had to know we were coming for her too.

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