Chapter Thirty

45 10 13

Kyle's P.OV

Four hours. The medicopter is expected back here in four hours as long as they stay on course. I'm here now, in the waiting room that she'll come through upon arrival. Marisol wanted to come too, but with the events of the past week, secret service hasn't allowed Marisol and I to be in the same room for longer than a few minutes.

So now- it's just me, Kylie. her mother, the medical team on standby, and secret service. Her sister's still back at the temporary residence in the bunker, under twenty four hour protection- not allowed to leave. They tried to talk me out of leaving it too, but as you can imagine that didn't really work out too well. Instead, there are about a hundred of them around the perimeter and in the building.

  Lauren. They've pumped her full of so many painkillers she can't form a coherent sentence right now. I've been glancing at Agent Hess's body cam feed every couple of minutes, and when she does talk it's one or two words- "Eat shit" and "the Princess" being the most common.  Now that the Princess is dead, we can't exactly prosecute her- but with James and Prince Ahmad's testaments, those involved will face maximum-sentence charges in the countries they're currently residing in. With  King Joseph, who has already shown strong disagreement with the death penalty, now the sole head of the royal family in Ordaia,  having found out about all of this just a few hours ago, those from his country that are involved will most likely face life in prison.

  Though I can't say I would be upset if he chose a more deadly punishment, that's what makes him different from his father- valuing human life regardless of what they've done. The very first thing he did, just an hour after officially assuming the throne, was decriminalize homosexuality. Marriage equality will have to come later, so as to not give the people a culture shock.  Their Borders will slowly start to open later this month, allowing them to come and go as they please, and from the little communication we've had the past few hours- he plans on modeling their new government after England's. Preserving the standing of the royal family while allowing democracy to run the country. That alone, however, will still take years to form.

He's ambitious as hell- I'll give that to him. Reminds me of myself, but look where that's gotten the one person in the world I love.


  "Ma'm, I'm sorry but her paperwork very specifically says that in the event she is unable to make her own medical decisions her husband is to do it." A nurse tries to talk her mother down.

  "Goddamnit  I gave birth to her! I should be able to-" She starts one of her rants which I don't have the time or patience for.

  "I understand that, ma'm, but our policy is that only the person in charge of the medical decisions may be in the room during surgery and  medical briefings. Step out, please." The nurse says. The hospital is coordinating closely with the medicopter, sometimes every couple of seconds, with her mom refusing to leave the room.

  "Lynn, come on- please don't make me do it." I say, not wanting to go there.

  "You wouldn't dare-" She shakes her head. "Kicking her mother out of her medical decisions with what's happened to her because of you ? That would be a new low."

  "I'd rather not but you're interfering in the medical process, if you won't stop interrupting the nurse simply because you don't agree with the amount of painkillers they're giving her-"

  "I won't." She interrupts.

  "That's what I thought." I sigh, knowing what has to come next. "Take her out of the room."

"Oh you fucking bitch-"She curses me the entire time she's getting dragged out by secret service.

"I'm sorry about her." I shake my head. "You were telling me her injuries?"

"Yes, Mr.President, she has approximately  forty burns and thirteen lacerations. The lacerations have been stitched up but three of the burns will need grafting surgeries to properly heal. Her.."

"Nurse? Come on, what else is there?"

"It looks like they...assaulted her with the branding iron."


"For fucks sake will you at least tell me what exactly is wrong with her?" Lauren's mother says, holding her face in her hands.

"You don't want to know." I sigh. "No- trust me for once, you don't. Lynn, now's not exactly a great time for us to be fighting if you haven't noticed."

"Need I remind you she wouldn't be in this situation if you-"

"Had never run for president? I know that. It's not like I can reverse time so can you please just not right now?" She seems to relax for a second- at least no longer focusing her anger on me.

But again, she's not wrong. This is my fault, no matter how many times everybody tries to tell me differently. This would not have happened if I wasn't so self absorbed.  If I'd just stopped at the senate- If I'd dropped out of the race without asking when she told me she got an offering to succeed the former FBI directors job. She would still be in danger, though not nearly as much- considering everything that's happened to her the past four years. Now, because of me, her mental health probably won't be anywhere near where it needs to be for that job at any point in the future. For that I'll never forgive myself.

  Even the secret service, who are trained to stay calm at all times, seemed disturbed by her condition- one had to excuse himself from the room for a second. As high as their standards are now, he probably won't have a job tomorrow- though if I could prevent that from happening, I would. They're still human fucking beings after all; I think the not being allowed to show any emotions thing is stupid.

  I nearly jump when the one standing next to me gets a phone call. "Yeah?" He says. "Mhmn... okay, I'll let him know."

  I raise an eyebrow,already knowing what he's about to say.

  "Aileen and the child have made it back safely."

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