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~~Brrrrrring~~ ~~Brrrrrring~~

"Shut up." I said as I slammed the button on my alarm clock.

'Not even my new alarm clock sounds pleasant in the mornings...'

I yawned as I sat up in bed and stretched. I rubbed my eyes as I went to look over at my clock to see just how early in the morning it was.

I stared in the direction of the clock but I couldn't see anything. I rubbed my eyes once more to see if it would help but all I could make out was the color of my bedside table and the wall behind it.

"U-ummm. Niryth..." I asked, my voice a little shaky.

'Yes, Y/N?' Niryth asked me as I kept rubbing my eyes so that I would hopefully be able to see.

"W-why can't I see anything?"

----------Start of Chapter 16---------- 

"How many fingers am I holding up?" Kiba questioned as he held his hand out in front of me.

I squinted my eyes in an attempt to make out the fingers he was holding up but I was struggling to tell if he was even holding up a hand.

"Honestly Kiba, I can't even see where your fucking hand is. I can barely make out the rest of you in the room unless you're standing right in front of me." I said with a sigh as I sat back into my seat.

"Do you think it has something to do with your Sacred Gear?" Kiba asked as I shrugged.

"It has to be something with Heavens Sight. It doesn't help that Niryth put me on radio silence as soon as this all started happening. I have no clue whether or not I could use my Sacred Gear properly without hurting vision even more than it alre-"

"You Sacred Gear is fine, and you should be able to use it without problem." I saw some sort of light for a second before I heard Niryth speak.

"Oh, so now you want to show up?" I said as I felt my hand and noticed a ring was now on it.

"I'm sorry for abandoning you in your moment of panic, Y/N. I know that I probably should've said something before but I didn't think this would happen so soon and I needed to make sure you wouldn't lose your eyesight completely." She answered and I just rolled my eyes.

"Oh, you think? I'm blind now, and for some reason you decided to hold more information from me. Why am I not surprised... " I told her and she sighed.

"I apologized already, young one. You shouldn't keep concerning yourself with the past and focus on the now." Niryth said and I sighed again.

"Fine. Do you mind telling me and everyone else in the room why exactly I've gone just about completely blind?" 

"I've known this would happen. I didn't think it would happen so soon though so I didn't bother telling you, but it seems I... underestimated how fast you're growing." Niryth told us and I slowly raised an eyebrow.

"Yeahhhh... I'm gonna be honest with you Ms. Niryth but this doesn't seem like a sign of growth. It seems more like an enormous set-back." Kiba said as everyone else nodded.

"I can't say I disagree with you Kiba." I brought my hand up and put it on his shoulder.

"Thats Asia... I'm across from you." He answered as I pulled my hand away and looked toward where he was.

"Oh... Sorry Asia." I rubbed the back of my neck and sweatdropped.

"Its fine. I know you can't see that well so I understand the confusion." Asia answered as she waved her hands, dismissing the issue.

Heavenly Dragon Emperor (Highschool DxD x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now