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----------Start Of Chapter 5----------

"Achoo!" I sneezed as I walked along the sidewalk on my way home.

'Damn, somebody must be talking about me.... or I'm getting a cold.'  I thought as I continued making my way home, the sun already setting.

I walked for a bit longer before I reached the same spot in the park where I fought that Fallen Angel the day before.

A sudden feeling of being watched washed over me, causing me to quickly spin around looking for the source but found nothing.

I shook off the feeling and walked out of the park towards my house, thinking nothing of the feeling and simply chalking it up to remembering the events prior to that day.

'That fight was actually kind of fun. Although I probably shouldn't say that, but it did give me a sense of how much control I have over my Sacred Gear.' I thought back to the fight with the blue haired Fallen Angel.

'True, but you have far more abilities that you've yet to learn, young one.' Niryth said, stopping my thoughts from going any further.

'Like what? I thought I had already achieved all of the eyes that come with Heavens Sight.'

'You have, and you've grown a lot stronger since you first found out about me. But you have yet to achieve your strongest form with this Sacred Gear.'

'You're telling me that I've been going for two years, training myself to the bone to be able to wield Heavens Sight properly and I haven't even gotten to its strongest form?' 

'Strength comes with patience Y/n. You will achieve it soon, but do not feel that you have wasted the last two years of your life learning to properly wield your gift. If you tried to achieve the strongest form of your Scared Gear when you started, you wouldn't be able to handle it and could've possibly died. That is why I have held this information from you.'

'Oh... You could've started with that. Instead, you had to be all cryptic about how you said things until I had you spit the truth out.'

'Now, now, where is the fun in that?' Niryth chuckled as I sighed while walking into the front door of my home.

I took my shoes off at the door before walking further into the home and looking for my father.

"Hey pops, I'm home!" I called out as I looked for him. I walked into the kitchen and a nice aroma hit my nose as I entered.

"Oh hey. You're later getting home than usual. Any reason for that?" He questioned as he set dinner down on the table.

"Just had to clear out my locker..." I said as I walked over to the trash bin in the kitchen and grabbed out a bundle of envelopes from my bag, quickly throwing them in the trash.

"What are those? Love letters?" He asked as he sat down at the table with me sitting across from him.

"Sadly, yes." I answered quickly as I began eating your food.

"Is it a bad thing for you? You should be happy girls are basically throwing themselves at you." He chuckled as he too began eating dinner.

"I'm glad someone out there wants to be with me... but it gets annoying when I have to clean out my locker every week from all of the letters shoved inside." I told him.

"And none of them are appealing to you?" 

"Not when they can't ask me out face to face. Much less put their name in the letter that they wrote to me." I replied back with a sigh.

Heavenly Dragon Emperor (Highschool DxD x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now