My house?!

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----------Start of Chapter 13----------

-----Your POV-----

"Dude, school blows... and waking up early just makes learning and shit even harder during the day..." Issei said from beside me with a yawn as we walked into the ORC clubhouse.

"Early mornings aren't that bad. Waking up early gives me the chance to workout and stuff before school." I say as we walk up the stairs of the clubhouse towards the clubroom.

"You workout? I couldn't imagine... I don't even workout at all, especially in the mornings and I still have to spend all of my energy throughout the day... I'd wake up early everyday if there was a hot, naked ba-" Issei began to say something weird but I stopped him.

"Just... don't... finish that sentence..." I said as we walked through the doors of the clubroom.

"Yo, whats going on everyone." Issei announced as we walked in.

 I saw a clothes line with a bunch of clothes hanging on them but ignored them and laid down on one of the couches.

"Woah! This is totally a bra." He said to himself as he grabbed the clothing.

"Issei... put it down... I really don't want to have to deal with your shit today." I said as I looked over the back of the couch at him.

"Dude, I'm totally holding a titty hammock right now!" He said as he looked over at the shower which was running as someone hummed from inside.

"I got him..." Koneko said as she picked up a vase and walked up behind him, hitting him with it.

"Like what you see perv?" Koneko questioned as she glared at him.

"I-its not what it looks like." He said as he tried to defend himself while rubbing the back of his head.

"Issei, thats the dumbest shit you've said all day, and its still morning. I don't even have to look to know that its exactly what it looks like." I said as I laid my head back down and closed my eyes as the water to the shower stopped.

"Is that my bra?" Asia asked as she looked towards Issei who had her bra in his hand.

"I think he plans to put it on and wear it around." Koneko said as she pointed at the perv.

"Ha! Let me know if he does! I'll set his ass down in the school courtyard in front of everyone." I said from my spot on the couch.

"Oh please don't, Issei." Asia said from the shower.

"W-woah! I-its not like that! I swear." Issei said as he ran over and tried to put the bra back on the clothes line.

"I'm incredibly sorry. I know I'm a visitor here and I hate to be in the way." Asia said as she apologized.

"Nah, don't be sorry Asia. You're not in the way of anyone except to idiots who can't keep to themselves." I answered her as I threw shade at the pervert.

"Yeah, he's right. There is no reason to be sorry Asia. In fact, having you around definitely has its perks." Issei said with a perverted grin.

"Oh well it won't be for much longer. The President said she'd find me a place to stay once she had the chance." Asia told us which peeked my interest.

'I wonder where she's got in mind... Why doesn't she just stay in the dorms or in one of these side rooms? Nah, I wouldn't want to live here either now that I think of it.' I thought as I continued to lay on the couch.


-----Your PoV-----

 I sat next to Kiba on one of the couches in the ORC clubroom with Asia across from me while we watched him and Koneko play chess.

Heavenly Dragon Emperor (Highschool DxD x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now