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----------Start of Chapter 18----------

-----Your PoV-----

"Now that I'm done with that... finally." I toss my homework into my school bag and throw it into the corner of my room.

'And now I'm bored...' I sit in my chair at my desk as I stare at the ceiling with nothing to do.

It was quiet in the house since Asia was still at her club with the ORC and I had decided to go home early for the day. I had one thing I'd been wanting to do but I had been putting it off the entire time.

I stared at my hands for a moment as I thought about the risk of my new power and what it could do if I messed everything up... but if I never try then I'll never be able to fix my eyes before they're gone...

I balled my hand up into a fist as I made a decision and stood up.

'Niryth... I think its time we give it a try...' I say as I start changing into some workout clothes.

'You don't want to try it with someone around? You know, in case something happens?' She asks and I just shake my head.

'No. It'd probably be better if I did it alone so that I can't hurt someone else in the process.' I answer back as I walk out of my room.

I made a wooden training sword as I walked out into my backyard and looked at all of the training dummies.

"Alright, so all I need to do is break the sword a little and then we're going to try and fix it? Sounds easy enough." I told myself as I summoned my Boosted Power Eye and began swinging at each of the dummies.

After a few swings at each of the dummies the sword was very well beaten to the point of being... unusable. 

Which really means that it was broken completely in two with each piece in both of my hands.

'Well, if this isn't something that needs fixing then I don't know what would pass as "needing to be fixed" around here.' I told myself as I placed it on the ground.

'I could think of a few things actually. Like your mental sta-'

'Yeah, okay. I get it, Niryth.' I sighed as I looked at the broken training sword and then at my hand.

I began thinking of how Niryth told me about the power called 'Rewind' and tried to see if I could summon it. I closed my eyes as I kept the thought of it in my mind while I tried to think of a way to summon it. I couldn't get anything to work as I looked down at my hands to think back on how I summoned my other 'Eyes' before.

'I want you to feel the air around you and imagine energy going through your body and out, and once you feel that I want you to try and reverse that process.'

I remembered the words my father told me the first time we tried to summon my Sacred Gear.

"Well... It worked that time. I don't see a reason why it wouldn't work again." I told myself as I closed my eyes again.

I felt a light breeze hitting my skin and I could hear birds chirping in the distance. I could feel the energy from before a lot better than when I first summoned my Sacred Gear, probably because of how much I'd used it up to this point.

I imagined the energy flowing out of me, and what the colors of that energy might look like. I could see the colors of each Eye that I'd already used before flowing through me like blood. I held on to that image as I began thinking of a fifth color and tried to have it flow through me as well.

I could almost feel it. As if I had a new power suddenly enter my bloodstream or something. I opened my eyes, hoping that it had worked and I grabbed onto the broken training sword.

Heavenly Dragon Emperor (Highschool DxD x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now