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Ight, Beginning Of The Book. I'm Not Going To Tell You That I Suck At Writing A Prologue Because I Could Suck At Writing Period, And It Would Feel Cringe As Fuck To Write Out That I think I suck At Just Writing One Dumb Prologue, But I Will Say That I Think The Prologue I've Written Is Pretty Shit And The Real Chapters Themselves Are Way Better Even Though The Prologue Kinda Sets Us Up For Where Chapter One Starts. Either Way, I Will Let You All Be The Ones To Determine Whether Its Bad Or Not.


(Y/n) POV

I was sitting against the curb outside of a convenient store in the rain. The down pour was light but the clouds were incredibly dark. I sat there many days hoping someone would stop to help me but everyone would pass right by and never even give me a second glance.

It had been about two months since I ran from home to get away from my abusive father. My clothes were in tatters and barely holding on to me as they were a bit oversized for my small body.

I looked around and stood up deciding to get out of the cold rain. I began walking on the sidewalk, just out of the reach of the rain. I stared at the ground, not minding where I was going, as I listened to my stomach growl at me for food.

I stopped in front of a restaurant and looked through the window to see many people inside eating and smiling with each other. I stared through the window until my stomach growled once more, pulling me out of my day dreams of food.

I started walking once more before stopping taking refuge in an alley way which was shielded from the rain. I sat down against a wall and held myself close to keep warm from the cold rain which had dampened my clothes.

I sat there for a few minutes, shivering in the cold, before a jacket was slung over my shoulders. I looked up and saw a man crouched in front of me, who I hadn't noticed even walking towards me, looking at me. He looked down at me and offered his hand with a small smile on his face.

"You look like you could use some food. Come with me, I'll get you out of this rain." He told me and I just stared at him. I were unsure for a moment, not knowing his true intentions but his face and voice seemed like they were true to what he was telling me.

I shakily grabbed his hand and pulled myself up, hugging the jacket that was around my body because it was much warmer than the damp clothes I had on had on.

He guided me out of the alley and held my hand all the way to his house without a word. He took me into his home and gave me food, which I quickly ate to calm my stomach. He sat across from me while I ate, just watching me until I was done and he took my dishes to the sink before sitting back down across from me again.

"I know you probably don't want to talk about why you were out there. So I'll let you stay in the spare room I have. We can talk about it some other time alright?" He asked me and I just nodded in response.

He led me back to a bedroom in the back and it was very bare. The walls were white and it had a single bed in the farthest corner of the room and one closet. He allowed me to stay there for the night and it was probably the best sleep I had gotten in all my life.

The next morning I woke up to the door being opened to the room and quickly looked to it scared but just realized it was the man from yesterday and calmed down.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to give you a fright, I was just checking on you." He told me calmly as he stepped into the room.

He walked over to the bed and sat down on the edge and I watched him as he did.

"I made breakfast, I figured you'd probably be hungry and thought it would be a good opportunity for us to talk too." He said and I nodded in response.

I followed him out of the room to where his dining room was and saw two plates sitting on the table with eggs and bacon on them.

He and I sat down and ate our breakfast together and talked a bit. He asked me a few questions, like my name and how old I was.

He was nice to me and allowed me to stay with him and he eventually took me in and adopted me. He treated me better than anyone else ever had. He enrolled me in school and helped me get used to life as a normal kid.

When I wanted to train to get stronger, he was the one who helped me train. He taught me all I know about how to fight and many other techniques to protect myself.

He told me about the secrets of the world, and about the super-natural that there was in the world. It was hard to believe him at first until he showed me his own set of wings. There were 10 of them and they were black. He was what you'd call a Fallen Angel.

Even with the fact that he was a Fallen Angel, he took care of me for years when nobody else did and treated me like his own son when not even my real father would. He was a better father than my real one could ever hope to be and I couldn't imagine life without him.

----------Prologue End----------

Now That Its Over. I Will Say That There Are About Two Timeskips In The Next Chapter So Have Fun Reading That XD

Thanks For Reading Anyway Though.

Heavenly Dragon Emperor (Highschool DxD x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now